Category: Jake

Apparently People Are Still Looking For Google Plus Invites

If you are, I have 149 here. Knock yourself out.

Anybody have an old GSM (T-Mobile) phone they want to get rid of?

My mom-in-law needs a new cell phone for her T-Mobile plan. Anybody have an old phone that will take a SIM card that’s stupidly basic and simple that is collecting dust? No fancy features, just a flip phone that will make calls and has easy-to-read buttons (mom-in-law friendly). I have a pile of carrier-locked CDMA phones, but no GSM phones (AT&T, T-Mobile, etc…).

E-mail me if you have one that I can take off your hands.

Back To Reality

Back at the office today after the trip (good time was had by all, though I could use another week or 12 off). I’m still going through all the email I’ve received, and will try to post a pile of links in the next couple days or so.

Did I miss anything fun?

Anybody have hotel connections in the Salem area?

I’m heading out of town later this month for my annual coast excursion, and am looking at the possibility of going over a day early and spending the night in Salem on the way over. The thing is, I can barely afford the vacation in general, and certainly don’t think I can afford another hotel night for the whole family.

But I rarely get an extended bit of time off from work, and I want to take advantage of it.

Anybody have any connection for any hotels in the Salem area, or even in the Silverton area, that can get me a deal (as we’re looking at possibly going to the Oregon Garden)? I know all about the Oregon Garden Resort but out of my price range (unless somebody reading this site works there). Contact me privately: jake {at} utterlyboring {dot} com.

Be Safe Tonight, and Please Don’t Set Fire To My House

I won’t go into my feelings and thoughts on the holiday today, as I’m pretty sure I’ve covered that pretty well over the years.

While today’s not my watering day, I’ll be turning on my sprinklers later for a bit, as I always wake up on the 5th of July to find a bunch of bottle rockets and other flaming projectile scraps in my yard. Oh the joys of living near Pilot Butte.

Be safe, don’t do anything stupid (meaning don’t get stupidly-drunk), and please don’t set my house on fire (I’m looking at you, neighborhood morons who were blasting off the gigantic mortars until 1AM this morning). Go read an old document or something.

My Daughter’s Famous

Thanks to all the folks who called me to say there was a nice picture of my daughter and I in the paper. We were out trying to get her to ride without training wheels, and that picture was taken right before I let go and she rode fine on her own and we celebrated. Thankfully the Bulletin photographer didn’t take a picture of her riding into the dirt, nearly hitting a concrete post (stopping is always the tricky part — we’ll work on that next time).

Anybody know anybody at the Bulletin that can get me a good digital version of that photo or one of the other photos the photog took for our scrapbook? I know I can buy reprints, but I’d rather have a digital version.

I also apologize for exposing everybody to my ghostly-white legs.’s Services Are Down — Anybody Have Alternatives?

So Grasshopper, the toll-free number service that I use here at Sunray as well as at Sunriver Vacations, is in the middle of a serious outage (going on the second day now). They’ve been updating as well on their Facebook page and twitter feed. Basically, from what I can tell (and since their communication has sucked during this whole thing, I don’t know 100% what’s happening), it sounds like something at their main data center kicked the bucket, and then they kicked into disaster recovery mode, and their backup plans failed, too.

Anyway, while the set-up for Sunriver Vacations is a bit complicated (low call volume, but equally rotated between a few companies, along with a few “press 1 to speak to blah-blah” type of options), the setup for Sunray is fairly simple. We basically have our main 800 number ported over to them, and have it forward to a phone number here. After closing time, it will play a message where folks can leave a voicemail or press a number to be forward to after-hours staff. Nothing really exciting, but their per-minute rate was much cheaper than what we were paying for 800 number service before, and the free voice studio stuff was a nice feature.

That being said, being down for over 24 hours is a huge problem, and is costing the companies I work for some good money. I’ve managed to setup a temporary toll-free number thanks to a local vendor/partner company and published it on our Web site, but a lot of people and web sites have that main toll-free number published.

While I don’t know if I’ll move to another service (just depends on how Grasshopper responds to all this, once they’re back up and running), I would like to have some options. What’s everybody out there using for small business 800-number service?

Lesson learned here? Test your disaster recovery plans. This can’t be emphasized enough, and reminds me that I need to do the same (it’s been a while).

Need Something To Do This Weekend?

In case you didn’t know already, I’m in The Band and The Band is having a concert this weekend.

Sunday, June 5, 2:00 p.m. FREE

The Cascade Winds Symphonic Band presents Space!, the final concert of their 2010-2011 season, under the baton of music director Dan Judd, June 5, 2:00 p.m. at Summit High School auditorium. This concert is free of charge, although donations are gratefully accepted, open to the public and suitable for all ages. Pieces to be preformed include Star Wars, Star Trek, The Planets: Mars & Jupiter, Sundance and Sky is Waiting. For more information visit or call 541-593-1635. Summit High School is located at 2855 NW Clearwater Drive, Northwest Crossing, Bend. No tickets required.

As I say every time, it’ll be a great show, and I’d love to see some of you there (and it’s a great, free, way to spend a Sunday afternoon).

I’m Old. Dang it. Get Off My Lawn

Seriously, I just mowed the thing. Stupid kids.

The ol’ mortality meter that’s always been on the left-column of this site has been jacked up by another year. I figured I’d probably better do so, since I’m getting zillions of emails from all the forums I have accounts on, telling me it’s my birthday today (it’s actually in about 15 minutes, but close enough).

My cousin and I share the same birthday (I’m 12 hours or so older), and he sent me wishes at the crack of dawn this morning. It wasn’t until later that I realized why: he’s stationed in Japan, and it was after midnight over there.

So what do I plan on doing for my palindromic birthday? Not a thing. I’m going to sleep in (or at least attempt to), loaf around, play with my kids, and not do anything (and most of all, avoid the chaos at the Old Mill). And I’m going to enjoy every minute of it.

Anybody Need A Graphics Designer?

I just put the finishing touches on my sis-in-law’s Web site. She’s a stupidly-talented illustrator and graphics designer (she designed the site, I coded it, for better or for worse). She’s graduating from George Fox in a couple weeks, plans on coming back to Bend (can’t stand the Valley), and is looking for work. She has a pretty varied portfolio, and is one of the most efficient workers I’ve seen. She’d prefer full-time work, but I’m sure she’s open to some individual projects.

If you want to get in touch with her, or want a personal recommendation, let me know.

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