Anybody Need A Graphics Designer?

I just put the finishing touches on my sis-in-law’s Web site. She’s a stupidly-talented illustrator and graphics designer (she designed the site, I coded it, for better or for worse). She’s graduating from George Fox in a couple weeks, plans on coming back to Bend (can’t stand the Valley), and is looking for work. She has a pretty varied portfolio, and is one of the most efficient workers I’ve seen. She’d prefer full-time work, but I’m sure she’s open to some individual projects.

If you want to get in touch with her, or want a personal recommendation, let me know.

</cheap plug>


bendover says:

There are many many many excellent and under employed, very under employed, graphic designers in the central Oregon region already. Count the words in your post and double it at least to see how many talented designers are doing comp work for non profits to shore up their portfolio while they work for peanuts doing design work and pay the bills waiting tables or bar tending….
seriously other than Bend being a great place to live if you have a job. Being a graphic designer in this town and not having a backup job is like being on the front lines at Gettysburg.

VS says:

Hey…Enjoy your links. Thanks.
You ought to fix this on your sis in law’s “about” section:
“It is my goal to always been . . .”.

Jake says:

bendover: I agree with you that there are a lot of talented graphics designers in this town, and it will be hard being one. That being said, while there are indeed many talented designers, there are also many really un-talented designers in this area who have no business making a living doing it, but do.
VS: fixed the typo (and yours). :-). Thanks!