UtterlyBoring.com is produced by Jake Ortman, a late-40-something-year-old dad, grandpa, husband, percussionist and jack-of-all-trades geek living in Bend, Oregon. He created this so that his expensive journalism and technology degree isn’t getting totally wasted, even though it mostly hasn’t been touched for many years. In addition to editing this site in his free time, he is the Scapegoat at Weston Technologies. He has LinkedIn and Facebook profiles if you’re trying to stalk him. He will not be posting on Twitter.
Opinions and comments on this site are the opinions of the author, not the author’s employer, family, friends or pets. Heck, most of the content here was written many years ago and my opinions are probably changed by this point anyway. He grew up. People do that.
He also has no idea why he’s writing this all in third-person.
This site was powered by Movable Type for a lot of years, but then Movable Type became a licensing mess and it was eventually moved to WordPress. Because that’s what all the cool kids use and it’s easier to export out of WordPress into another CMS down the road should the need arise.
He wears a size 10.5 shoe and like long walks on the beach.
If you want to throw some cash Jake’s way, you can do that via Venmo or PayPal. He can emailed at jakeortman {at} gmail {dot} com.