Month: July 2010

Weird Al Is Awesome

I’ve always thought Weird Al’s songs were hilarious, and that he was quite the talent, but seeing him perform live at the Deschutes County Fair tonight just made me appreciate him that much more. I had a smile on my face the entire time, and haven’t laughed that hard in a very long time. Thanks for coming to Central Oregon again, Mr. Yankovic.

Anybody else make the show?

There Are 35 Movies Here…

…do you recognize them all?

Read the comments here to see if you did. I’m not a film buff, so I missed quite a few, but I did get a bunch.

This Is Going To Be Entertaining

To quote dmoney83: “What happens when the biggest troll on television meets the biggest trolls on the internet?” That’s exactly what happened as 4Chan found a pretty huge hole in Glenn Beck’s site. While the hole’s been fixed, there was a lot of stuff that got exposed (.passwd files, .htaccess files, httpd.conf files, wp-config files, and all sorts of fun stuff), it was a very entertaining read.

Time Killer(s) For The Evening

Isoball 2 starts with a simple premise: Build a way to get the ball to the hole. But it gets complicated pretty quick.

If that game’s too easy, this will do nothing but piss you off.

If you want to play with some random people, Transformice is pretty fun.

Speaking of games, Flash gaming site Kongregate got bought by Gamestop.

Reading Material

Finally got a new LCD hinge for my laptop and got it installed (way more complicated than it should have been). I’ve been using the thing very gingerly lately so I didn’t put too much pressure on the other one and break it, too, which means not using it much after-hours (which means not using it much at home and blogging). Here’s making up for it…

Three Years Later, and it’s News? Nope.

The Onion made a video a few years back that’s resurfaced again, and people are getting hilariously worked up.

Time Killer For The Weekend

This game will drive you nuts in its chaos. It’s a pixel-level breakout game, but the pixels you hit become other “balls” you can bounce. It gets nutty really fast. Quoting this guy: “It’s like playing Missile Command against the Aurora Borealis.” See if you can get rid of all the pixels.

Time Killer For The Evening

Ink Ball is a fun fast-paced physics-based game that will kill off your night if you’re not careful.

Post Vacation Reading Material

Since getting back, I’ve been trying to catch up on all the email and news that has been sent my way (you’re always welcome to send more using the contact form on this site or e-mail utterlyboring at gmail dot com). Here are some of the headlines I found waiting for me when I got back (some newer, some older):

What Did I Miss?

I’m back online after avoiding my computer for a bit. I’m going through my hundreds of e-mail messages, trying to get it all sorted out, working from home this morning as I have a friend’s wedding I’m going to this afternoon (and it seemed silly to drive all the way out to Sunriver when I’d have to come back so early).

Did I miss anything of vital importance last week?