UtterlyBoring.com at Wrigley Field

Remember for the dummy prize for the pick ’em? Fighting Yoopers won the prize, but never claimed it, and per the rules, I gave the prizes to the next people on the list (in this case, the second-to-last). The Dren was the next worst, and he was happy as heck to have the shirt, even wearing it proudly on a trip to Chicago (much to his wife’s dismay). He tells me that the folks at Wrigley got a kick out of it (when it was warm enough to take his coat off — Dren’s from Texas, so he needs a coat for anything less than 60 degrees). Here he is watching the game:


I seriously doubt I’ll get too many visitors from Chicago because of the shirt, but thanks Dren for wearing your inability to pick winners proudly.


The Dren says:

Just for the record, it was in the 40’s Saturday at Wrigley Field. With a pretty good wind coming in from the outfield.
The Cubs won in an excellent game, 7 to 2.
The shirt is great! Thanks, Jake!

Jake says:

You’re still a wuss 😉

Snorii says:

Haha, great t-shirt.