I have no idea if anybody is out there reading this, but welcome back, one way or another.
Category: Site Info
I Know, I Know…
I suck.
I’ve all but abandoned this site. I’ve seen the comments, I’ve read the emails and I know: I haven’t been giving this site and my loyal few readers the attention they deserve. My professional and personal life have been chaotic — death in the family, wedding in the family, acquisition at work that required a truckloads of hours (but was a good thing), periodic illness, family obligations, professional obligations, etc… . It’s just been a nutty last several months, and the likelihood of it getting better anytime soon is fairly slim.
That being said, I wanted everybody to know I was I alive (as I’ve gotten that email, too). I rarely turn on my computer in the evenings when I get home, preferring to spend time with my family and relax. I rarely post on Facebook (which annoys people as well, I know), and we all know my general feelings on twitter.
I can say that I’m going to post more on here, that I’m going to commit time to this, but, honestly, I don’t know if I can or will. Not all of us can be as cool as Jon (I kid, but Jon is a cool guy, he really is). And if I had more free time, I’d probably spend it getting bendblogs.com back up and running as that did more for the local blogger community than most of the projects I’ve worked on.
Or I’d do none of the above, as nobody knows where life is going to lead.
Meanwhile, I’m going to do what I’ve always done and take things a day at a time and see where that takes me. Hopefully that will bring me back to this site again so I can start writing some more (which I dearly miss), but we’ll just have to see what happens. Thanks again to all of you who are still checking-in.
Looking for Prize Donations for the 2012 UtterlyBoring.com NCAA Pick ’em
It’s almost that time again for our annual March Madness NCAA Tournament Pick ’em. I’m trying to get things organized a bit for this year’s annual (our seventh year doing this — see some past events here, here, here, here, and here) and am working on collecting prizes for the winners. Does anybody have anything would like to contribute or know anybody (or a business) who would like to donate a prize?
As usual, all prize submitters will get text link on the tourny page (which will be available at utterlyboring.com/pickem). I’ll also be rotating 125×125 pixel ad banners for your company or blog or whatever during the duration of the tournament on utterlyboring,com, bendblogs.com, and hopefully on hackbend.com as well (we did last year, but still need to confirm with Jon), giving your business or site a good chunk of online exposure.
Anything can be submitted for a prize, as I’m pretty casual, as are the folks who participate in the tournament. If you have anything fun, weird, stupid, interesting, cool, whatever you want to throw into the prize pot, by all means let me know (comment here with your email address so I can contact you or e-mail me at utterlyboring {at} gmail {dot} com).
Most Commented Entries
It’s been years since I’ve done this, but it’s time to check on the most-commented-on entries for this site over the years. Most of these were from way back in the day but are still indexed well in Google. The top two still get comments nearly every day for silly, totally un-related stuff. It’s an always-entertaining trip down memory lane, back to the glory days of this site — back when far fewer people had blogs and far more people commented on the blog itself instead of via Facebook or the like. I also had more time to dedicate to the site, which I don’t have nearly as much now. This blog had some serious Google Juice back in the day, hence the high number of comments on some of these.
Because some of these really dated entries are listed so well on Google, I was able to get a few sponsored text links on the pages, which is always a bonus.
So without further ado, the 30 most commented-on entries on this site:
2255 comments: We All Hate Work (04/22/04)
1266 comments: Have a small penis? (09/30/03)
540 comments: Do Not Call List — Red Hot, Big Loopholes (07/06/03)
403 comments: Another Great Gmail Hack (09/06/04)
402 comments: Panties Just For Men (01/13/05)
398 comments: Extreme Dodgeball (04/18/04)
390 comments: Do You Have Bright Green Poop? (11/24/03)
317 comments: Yet another reason to hate PETA (12/29/03)
302 comments: Only a band geek will appreciate this (03/13/03)
281 comments: Help pay for a girl’s boob job (01/09/03)
258 comments: How to cancel an AOL account in 3 minutes (06/13/03)
146 comments: Are hyphenated Yahoo names that rare? (03/16/04)
142 comments: BendBroadband is Giving You More Speed… (03/21/08)
138 comments: Sick and Politically Incorrect Jokes (09/19/04)
119 comments: Sciatic nerve pinches hurt like hell – Update: It’s more than just a nerve (07/09/03)
115 comments: Kurt Kobain a better guitarist than Jeff Beck and Carlos Santana? Not bloody likely! (09/08/03)
115 comments: Man gets jail for licking woman’s feet in grocery store (08/27/03)
103 comments: Learn to throw cards like a ninja (07/01/03)
101 comments: That’s One Killer Christmas Light Display (11/22/05)
99 comments: Smack the Penguin (03/10/04)
94 comments: Fun "Monkey Kick Off" Flash Game (03/18/07)
90 comments: Michael Jackson has never had plastic surgery (02/03/03)
89 comments: Another Reason to Hate AOL (06/24/04)
89 comments: Anybody Actually Using Clearwire? (12/14/05)
89 comments: Dateline to focus on Michael Jackson’s face (01/19/03)
88 comments: What comes after trillion? (09/10/03)
76 comments: Man doubts his "World’s Smartest Person" title (02/03/03)
73 comments: A 2,200 Acre Mushroom in Eastern Oregon (07/07/04)
62 comments: DHTML Lemmings (08/17/03)
58 comments: Why not drug test teachers? (04/18/03)
Back To Reality
Back at the office today after the trip (good time was had by all, though I could use another week or 12 off). I’m still going through all the email I’ve received, and will try to post a pile of links in the next couple days or so.
Did I miss anything fun?
Join The UtterlyBoring.com/CentralOregonAthlete.com NCAA Tournament Pick ’em
Selection Sunday is coming up on March 13 here and then it’s time for offices all over the country to create office pools for the NCAA Men’s Basketball Championship (and for workplace productivity to grind to a halt). And it’s time for the readers of this site to compete for bragging rights (and some great prizes) in the sixth-annual UtterlyBoring.com Tournament Pick ‘Em. Last years contest info was here with final scoring here. babbage is looking to defend his title.
This year we’ve partnered up with Central Oregon Athlete to bring more exposure to the whole thing and to try and gather up some more prizes. I’ve known Josh at COA for well over a decade, and he knows his sports better than anybody around here, so I figured this would be a perfect partnership.
It’s free to play, and doesn’t require you to know anything about college basketball. So read on for the sign up information, prizes, and more!
Still Looking For Prize Donations
I’m still looking for prize donations for this year’s NCAA pick ’em. As an added bonus for folks that donate, I’ve partnered up with Josh over at Central Oregon Athlete for this year’s tournament, and your ad/link will go on his site as well (more details to come).
Use the contact form on the right-hand side of this page, comment here, or e-mail me at utterlyboring (at) gmail (dot) com.
Looking For Prize Donations For Our Annual NCAA Pick ’em
I’m trying to get things organized a bit for this year’s annual UtterlyBoring.com March Madness NCAA Pick ’em (our sixth year doing this — see some previous years here, here, here, and here) and am working on collecting prizes for the winners. Does anybody have anything would like to contribute or know anybody (or a business) who would like to donate a prize?
As usual, all prize submitters will get text link on the tourny page (which will be linked from the front page of this site for several weeks as well as bendblogs.com for a couple weeks), and I’ll rotate 125*125 pixel ad banners for your company or blog or whatever during the duration of the tournament.
Anything can be submitted for a prize, as I’m pretty casual, as are the folks who participate in the tournament. If you have anything fun, weird, stupid, interesting or cool you want to throw into the prize pot, by all means let me know (comment here with your email address so I can contact you or e-mail me at utterlyboring {at} gmail {dot} com).
Almost Back Up And Running
We had a fairly major server outage yesterday. I won’t go into the details of it all, as I haven’t slept much in the last 24 hours and I’m utterly exhausted (yesterday was one of the nastiest days of my life, and this was just one of many things to go nuts yesterday). I’m slowly getting things back up and running 100%. If you notice anything weird, comment below (or even if you want to express your sympathies, that’d be fine, too). If commenting’s not working, email me at utterlyboring at gmail dot com.
Update: Still at it. Had some issues crop up overnight, but hopefully I’ll get this resolved permanently soon (and I’m seriously considering getting out of the hosting biz — I have enough stress in my life as it is).
Updating The Archives
You may or may not know, but when I first started blogging, I blogged on the jake.orty.com domain. I started this blog back in ’02 during a brief time of unemployment. Once I found work, I neglected the blog for several months, until I finally got around to posting again (was still at jake.orty.com back then — hadn’t moved to utterlyboring.com yet). When I got back to posting again, I had bulldozed the previous archives from the brief blip in May that I was posting here.
I finally got around to getting on the Web archive and getting my old archives, and now have May 2002 back in my archives. Most of the links in those old entries are long dead, but at least they’re back in the database.
Now I just need to get my dozens of old dailyemerald.com columns into this database, since they’re not accessible on the Web anywhere. I was an online columnist back before “blogging” was all the rage. I’ve been writing online since the 90s, you young whipper-snappers (get off my lawn) and it’d be nice to have that all in one place. But I figured I should probably ask the Emerald’s permission first. so that’s coming next.