Triumph the Insult Dog Gives The Hawaii Weather Report

Apparently this video has been around a while, but it’s the first time I’ve seen it….

If the above video doesn’t display, you can also view it directly on NBC’s site.

Thanks Barney for the link — and I’m hoping Triumph makes an appearance on NewsChannel21 sometime (I’m sure him and “Have a Sparkling Day!” Bob would get along dandy).

Update: Welcome Milkandcookies readers!


johnski says:

fucking hilarious.
howie never knew what hit ’em!

mike says:

lol i live in hawaii and i remember seeing that live on tv that cracked me up so much even had some other seens with him on air

Kirsten says:

I haven’t laughed that hard in years….. I freakin’ just pissed myself……

me says:

this was hilarious. i really like triumph. i wish he would make more appearances anywhere

Tiana says:

F***ING AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chad says:

Iv seen a lot of Triumph’s clips, and this is by far 1 of the best. I wih he’d make more appearances

Adriana says:

Oh, my GOD. My chest hurts from laughing so hard. The female anchor was cracking up, but Mr. Stiff Hair was as dumb as a brick.

Mallory says:

This is my favorite Triumph moment EVER! *favorites* I remember the first time I saw this, I nearly pissed myself.

Art says:

This is a great clip! I wish that you would post it on YouTube so that I can enjoy it on my iPhone. (the one on YouTube is missing the last 20 seconds) Thanks!

Noel says:

oh man, that is the first time ive seen that, he is hilarious!

Joe Banks says:

More true than anyone knows!!

Triumph the Insult Dog Gives The Hawaii Weather Report

Apparently this video has been around a while, but it’s the first time I’ve seen it…….