Category: Funny

Every-three-month(ish) Link Dump

OK, so I know I’m totally neglecting things here. My new job at a local outsourced IT company is going well, but keeping me busy. And yes, I did just try to give them some SEO linkage there because they need it. But after dealing with computers and people’s issues with their computers all day long, sometimes I just don’t feel like turning mine on in the evening. But otherwise, it’s going well, the people are cool, and I have health insurance for the first time in 11 years (which would have came in handy nine years ago).

That being said, I’m still collecting a link pile, and have some to share, so enjoy!

Mass Link Dump

Something old, something new, all in one big pile. Enjoy!

Stupidly Massive Link Dump

So obviously my life is far too chaotic at the moment to post here much, but that doesn’t mean I’m not collecting links to share. To keep everybody occupied for a bit, enjoy;

I Have A New Respect For Katy Perry

She does some amazing death metal work:

Every Parent Will Appreciate This

It’s Naptime:

Three Grandmas Win The Internet

Three grandmas talk about the Kardashians and end up watching the Ray-J and Kim Kardashian sex tape.

(Some day I’ll catch up and share more of my saved links and such. Probably not until at least after next weekend’s concert.)

Everything’s Better With Drama

Just push the button…

Time Killer For The Day

You thought QWOP was frustrating? Try the two player version if you and a friend want to share the anger.

Reading Material

Few oldies but goodies here (new for me, at least…)

It’s All About The Facial Hair

The guy apparently shaved his beard for the first time in several years and decided to make this:

This beats the original video by a country mile.