We just had an owner of one of our homes swing by our office. He was looking at his home’s bookings, and noticed there was somebody in there with the last name “Bush.” Says to us “That wasn’t one of George Bush’s folks from when they were in Sunriver, was it? Because if it was, I want to have my home’s description edited to say “No Pets, No Smoking, and No Republican Presidents.” We told him that it was a lady from Canada, not the Bush family, and he says “Well, Canadians are OK, but no Rebublicans”.
Month: October 2003
Winter conditions taking their toll (especially on the unsafe drivers)
Because of the ice and snow today, accidents are happening all over the place. I’ve witnessed some of the aftermath myself. A housekeeper here at work just got back from an experience she won’t soon forget.
Her and another co-worker were driving to LaPine (about 15 minutes south of here) to the local Les Schwab to get some tires. On their way back, she witnessed the same problems I’ve seen today. She was passed by and out-of-state-er who was going faster than she probably should (considering how icy the roads are today). A mile or two later, she saw that same SUV roll over and total itself.
The lady driving was able to get out of her car unassisted (despite it being on its roof), but was still taken to the hospital complaining of lower abdominal pain. The housekeeper called 911 to get somebody out there, and helped the lady out. While the lady (not to sound hateful) had the wreck coming for driving like she was, her passengers didn’t.
But let’s talk about her passengers: Four cats (or four animals of some sort — at least two cats). They got smacked around pretty good, but all appeared to be in good shape. Needless to say, the lady in the wreck couldn’t take her pets with her to the hospital, so our housekeeper took them to the Sunriver Veterinary Clinic (after driving around trying to find their new office). Hopefully everybody came out of it OK, but lesson learned: Don’t drive like an idiot, and having an SUV isn’t justification for anything — let alone driving like a moron.
Just because you’ve got an SUV doesn’t mean you can fly down the ice
Winter is here in force. Every October, we almost always get a big freeze and cold for (usually) one nasty day. Today was that day, and it was vicious. November 1st is the “Don’t Put Your Studs on Your Tires Until Today or Face The Wrath of Budget Striken Oregon State Police Officers” event, so I’m driving with nearly-bald tires on nasty-slick roads. To put it in perspective, my morning commute from the North-East part of Bend to Sunriver is usually a 25-minute commute. It took me over 90-minutes. Highway 97 was a big skating rink, and while ODOT claims to have been out sanding since 1:00 AM, you sure don’t see any evidence of that on the highway. Before I managed to get close to Sunriver, I guess there were a few over-turned semi-trucks. It was a mess.
But I think the thing that bugs me the most is the idiots that where driving 50 MPH or more on the roads that everybody else was going between 25-30 MPH. I averaged about 20-25 for my morning commute this morning, and was passed several times by idiots flying down the road in their SUVs thinking that their 4-wheel-drive will save them and let them drive better. That just means you scream out of control with four wheels instead of two, morons. I did fell much better when I saw a Suburban that had flown by me (with his out-of-state plates) earlier stuck on the side of the road. Needless to say, many a middle finger were extended his direction.
Barney over at Bend.com has a story up about the weather. The picture was from his wife’s Samsung A-460 A-620 camera phone (she works at the Sprint PCS store in the Prime Outlet Mall). Photo-phones are the next great technology for news reporting, and I’d own one if I could afford it. Don’t believe me about their potential? Just ask Steve Outing, who has written a bunch of columns and articles on the topic.
Meanwhile, I’ll be thawing out by the heater.
Which is more valuable: Workers, or toilet paper?
This just came across the ClubRum mailing list:
If a company’s most valuable resource is its people, how come the employees aren’t locked up, but the toilet paper is in a reinforced steel box with a lock, bolted to the stall?
How blogging can get you unemployed
First, you post a picture on your blog of Microsoft getting a big shipment of G5s. The next day, you’re unemployed. At least his site was Slashdotted and he’s getting linked all over, so the guy will probably get a job pretty quick. But it still sucks nonetheless.
Hell, I don’t even know if my employer knows I have this site, but they probably wouldn’t care. Checking the logs, I’m sending traffic their way, so they can’t complain.
WANTED: More Eastern-Oregon bloggers, so here’s something to encourage you
OK, here’s the deal folks. I’m looking to increase the amount of bloggers in Central and Eastern Oregon. I only know of five (including me) East of the Cascades, and I’d like to increase that number. Central Oregonians don’t really have a blogging voice, despite the fact that the land we take up is nearly 2/3 of the state. Looking at ORBlogs, Bend is the only city listed over here, and there’s only three listed there.
Hell, I’d be willing to host your sites and everything, if it weren’t a violation of the MT license. So I’ve got the next-best thing: an easy way to get your blog started. I have in my possession three codes to get your blog started over at TypePad — a blog-hosting service powered by the same technology powering this site. What do these codes give you? They give you a 20% lifetime discount on any of their hosting packages. You have to pay for TypePad’s services still, but you’ll get them at a good discount.
Here’s the catch: These will only go to folks who live on this side of the mountains. I want proof. Send me your home address or a picture of your city’s welcome sign, I don’t care — just prove it to me. Or, if you have a pre-existing blog and want to move to TypePad, I’ll send you the code, but the catch still applies.
Regardless, if you want this offer E-mail me privately, and I’ll send you the code. Hell, even if you don’t want the code, e-mail me anyway if you’re over here in the High Desert and have a blog so I can add you to my blogroll.
“I want to be an engineer … sex can wait!”
Best. Billboard. Ever. I just love the comment on that link:
That kid did become an engineer but got laid off last year and now hangs out around the Empire State Building looking for another dot com gig. He keeps mumbling something about being a virgin…
What does the White House have to hide?
Apparently a lot, according to their robots.txt file, which basically blocks the search engines from indexing everything. Why didn’t they just set a wild card on everything, for cripes sakes? Why are they doing this? More than likely so that Google won’t pick it up in its cache so we can’t hold it against the government later for something they posted. Link via Waxy.
The complete Far Side archive now for sale
If somebody’s looking to get me something for Christmas, you can add this to my list. This is Gary Larson’s complete Far Side collection, spanning from 1980 to 1994 (including bonus comics and commentary), weighing in at 19-pounds and 1,250 pages. The Far Side and Calvin and Hobbes were probably my two favorite comic strips growing up, and I’d love to have the collection of both.
Local media getting story ideas from blogs?
It’s pretty common for media outlets to be taking stories from one another, but now they’re taking their tips from bloggers?
My buddy Jon has suddenly seen something posted on his site appear in the Bulletin. I posted a note linking to Jon’s original post about video game companies in Bend. He did a follow up story the next day, profiling the company’s founder. And wouldn’t you know it, a story appears in the 10/25/03 edition of the Bulletin entitled “Sony filters out separatist group from Bend designer’s video game.” Go figure.
I wonder how many folks in the Central Oregon media read our blogs? Is there anybody out there? E-mail me privately as I’d like to hear from you.