The 2009 Pick ’em is Officially Over

While the winner was declared after Saturday’s games, the tournament pick ’em wasn’t officially over until today when North Carolina throttled Michigan State. The final spreadsheet has been posted the places have mostly stayed the same, other than my co-worker jumping from 24th to 9th place (passing me in the process), because he picked North Carolina to win it all. I placed in the middle-bottom of the pack again.

A big thanks to everybody for playing, and a special thank you to all our prize providers (in no particular order):

Be sure to support these fine folks who have made this tournament more fun by throwing in some great prizes.

I have the shipping addresses for all the winners, and will be shipping off their prizes once I get them all collected from the prize providers sometime this week and get them shipped off next week.


keeneye says:

Shall I send the hat to you?

Jake says:

Sounds like a plan, Keeneye. I’ll email you.

Jake, can you email me your address so I can get this gift card off to you?

Two-Time Pick ’em Loser At The Pool

So in the 2008 NCAA pick ’em, The Dren lost and proudly displayed his loser shirt at Wrigley Field. He again lost this year’s pick ’em, but forgot to bring…