Now I’ve Heard It All

We get some weird folks who call this my office now and again (I’ve mentioned some before), but this is one I haven’t heard before. We had somebody call and say she wanted to be moved from her house because it’s too close to a house that there’s going to be a cult staying in while she’s there. How she knew this, we have no idea (she told us she heard it from a friend of a friend). The homes are about a half mile apart, which is apparently too close for her comfort.

Anybody know something I should know about? If there’s going to be a huge party in Sunriver, I like to at least be invited.


Cheryl Howard says:

It?s been my personal experience that gossip in general can lead to a great many misunderstandings. It may be the friend of the friend doesn’t like or approve of the group (or an individual with the group) staying at the house, which in all likelihood will turn out to be Friends of Cats or the Church of Latter day Saints annual BBQ. What is not likely is that there will be any animal sacrifices, other than the tourists who like to drive too fast in the night and end up hitting a deer.
My advice: Tell her if she has something specific and verifiable–you can take her request seriously, otherwise she is responding (and asking you to do so as well) to idle gossip and hearsay with absolutely no specifics. And if it where me–I would also advise her to make acquaintances with some smarter friends in the future. But hey, I understand that in Sunriver that some homeowners and guests take the mundane and go overboard with it with some regularity. The Police calls are a great hoot to read.

Paul says:

Loony. Any which way to try to turn it, if you ask me.

covax says:

Sorry jake, that’s my cult. I’ll have them move 🙂