Post Last-Day Reading Material

Since I gave my notice, I’ve been spending the last few weeks trying to finalize and document a metric ton of projects as well as find replacement(s) for the various work I do. Today was my last day in Sunriver, and it was with a bit of sadness that I left. While I’m looking forward to the new challenges and the people I’ll be working with, change is always a bit scary. But change sometimes has to be made, and I’m looking forward to a bit of change in my life. It was a bit weird removing a few e-mail accounts from Thunderbird.

Meanwhile, here’s some reading material that I’ve been sitting on for a while:

More tomorrow, as I have a bunch of links I’ve collected.


I am sad to see you move on… but happy for you! I know we will find each other occasionally in the cereal isle of Wal-Mart…. oh my you should have been there tonight – it was very entertaining.

writer says:

Nice link collection thx