Have a New Job, Looking For My Replacement(s)

I’ve been a bit quiet about this (and quiet in general, lately), as I wanted to make sure it was a sure-thing, paperwork had been signed, my bosses knew and notice was given before I went public: I’m going to be leaving as the IT/Graphics/Marketing/Bit-o’-everything guy for Sunray Vacation Rentals and Discover Sunriver Vacation Rentals to take a position with Weston Technology Solutions. It was an opportunity I really couldn’t pass up, and I look forward to the new challenges and working with the folks at Weston. The folks I’ve talked to there are all really nice people, and I’ve heard great things from a couple of their clients, too. I enjoyed my time down here in Sunriver and the people I’ve had the pleasure to work with, but it’s time for a change.

I was in a unique situation in that I grew up knowing the folks who own both of these vacation rental companies, which is why I was able to work at both places, despite them being competitors. They work together on some projects to help cut costs (they built/share a laundry facility together, for example), but they’re going after the same customer base, and they each do things a bit differently in general (both from an advertising standpoint as well as a technical standpoint).

What that basically means is that I’m going to need to find two people, one for each company, not a singular person to work for both companies. I’m still talking it over with the folks here to see what the exact job description will be at each company and getting craigslist ads written. We’re still working on whether they plan on hiring full-time or part-time, but if you have experience in marketing and advertising (online and in print), graphics design. a-bit-of-everything (and having some web development and technical experience wouldn’t hurt), send me a resume and cover letter: jakeortman at gmail dot com. Benefits may be available as well. My current officemate likes cats and Apple products, so keep that in mind when sending me your resume.

I’m also looking at getting contacts for freelancers who might do some of this kind of work as well, as I know there has been talking about outsourcing some graphics design and/or technical duties. If you’re interested, and don’t mind the drive out to Sunriver, send me your information as well so I can add it to my file.

Update: Here’s one of the craigslist postings, will link up the other one when/if it gets created.


The Dren says:

Congrats on the new job! Best of luck when you get started there and finding two people to fill your shoes.

AWESOME!!!!! Congrats.

Jon says:

Congrats! That’s awesome 🙂

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Patrick says:

Hey, does this mean you won’t be asking for FreeRealty mods anymore?
Congrats, upward and onward.