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Skip to the main menu- Whoops…Kazakhstan’s shooting team has been left stunned after a comedy national anthem from the film Borat was played at a medal ceremony at championships in Kuwait instead of the real one.
- Block your friends’ Facebook apps from accessing your private info.
- Welcome to the post-PC era.
- Need a legal document? Docracy is a social repository of contracts, legal agreements and other legal documents.
- Easily manage all your social network settings in one place.
- Somebody really knows their conspiracy theories.
- Font Awesome is an iconic font designed for use with Twitter Bootstrap.
- iPhone people have all the fun: This iPhone case combines all your credit cards into one. The Kickstarter project has long met its goal, and it’s too bad that this will probably never make it to Android (too many devices in different shapes — developing accessories for iStuff is far simpler).
- If you’re transferring cPanel accounts between servers (like I was a few weeks ago), some of these command will be useful.
- How we decreased sign up confirmation email bounces by 50%. Now I just need to implement this code on some sign-up forms I deal with.
- Similarly, the Open Domain Directory idea proposed here is a good idea, as is Humans TXT.
- The movie Inception explained in a nice little web site.
- Instead of “amazing,” why not say….
- Sometimes product reviews on sites are just plain worthless.
- Add a bit of water color to your Open Street Maps.
- Because I can never seem to find it via a Google search: the new Federal Student Loan Servicing page where you can log in and deal with your federal student loan account without having to remember a PIN.
- Why James Whittaker left Google.
- It was hard being a jazz performer during Nazi rule. They had pretty strict rules.
- One drug to shrink all tumors.
- Open plan offices must die.
- Post Office 2.0 Plugin for Movable Type allows you to e-mail to post to your MovableType blog.
- The blog network is a collection of simple daily information: Daily facts, quotes and numbers.
- What if modern photo editing techniques used in magazines were applied to classic artwork? It might look like this.
- Need to connect Lincoln Logs to Legos to K’Nex to Tinkertoys? Now you can.
- Interesting look at how testing and development is done on the Netflix app for Android.
- The time is…
- 10 Essential DIY Skills that Aren’t as Hard as You Think.
- Bradley Manning, the U.S. serviceman who leaked info to Wikileaks, is nominated for Nobel Peace Prize.
- RT Se7en Lite allows you to easily create Windows 7 Slipstream disks, like nLite and vLite did for XP and Vista.
- After 244 Years, Encyclopaedia Britannica has stopped publishing. Wikipedia has a collection of errors in Britannica that have been corrected in Wikipedia.
- The Weinstein company is done dealing with the MPAA: Bully to be Release Unrated.
Want to suggest Legalzen also a social repository of contracts, legal agreements and other legal documents.