A Foot Of Snow, Power Outages, and a Dead Router

What a day. A metric crapload of wet snow pummeled the area. All the Bend schools canceled classes, Redmond didn’t cancel their schools, realized their mistake and my power was out for a couple hours this morning. It’s a mess, and it took nearly two hours for me to get my driveway cleared because of all the moisture in the snow (worked on it during the power outage, since I couldn’t work from home, like I planned). I didn’t even attempt to make it out of my neighborhood, as my car is too low to the ground to even try with the thick snow (they don’t plow my street). The power came off and on a couple times this morning, which I think caused a surge to go up one of my lines, as my always bullet proof WRT54GL router (running DD-WRT, of course) is now dead. I had an old wired router that I’m running off now with a bunch of cables running all over the place, but you don’t realize how much you miss wireless on a laptop until it’s gone (I have ethernet running to other computers in the house already, so they’re fine). Looks like I need to get a new router ordered. I’m pretty sure I’ve had that WRT54GL since I had my back surgery, so it’s probably due to be replaced anyway — I can finally get myself an 802.11n router. (Edit, after looking through my records: I’ve had that Linksys router more recently than that. I had an old crappy D-Link prior to that.)

Everybody surviving the storm?


Patrick says:

We don’t get as much snow down here as you guys get, but I feel your pain. Last winter I had to dig out the driveway to get the car in, dig the car out in the morning, dig the driveway out so the car could get in…. I also had the kids up on the roof shoveling so our roof wouldn’t collapse like a dozen buildings or so did over that week. Luckily, no power outages for us.

David says:

As of 10am today, 24 hours without power. At my office now charging all my gadgets. I can ping my router now, so I think the power’s back on…gotta go home and chuck out the fridge contents.
Hoping my surge protectors protected me…