Vote For My Sis-in-Law’s PPP Logo

So my sis-in-law is a poor college student who’s studying graphics design at George Fox. She’s tremendously good at graphics design (she has a few of her older designs posted here, but she’s done much more and much better work since I put that site online for her a couple years ago). In an attempt to get a few bucks and some local fame, she submitted a logo for this year’s PPP Logo Contest, Her submission was thus:


Personally, I think it’s far superior to the 2010 logo, but I’m obviously a bit biased.

If you live in Bend, a vote for my sis-in-law would be greatly appreciated. Unfortunately, you have to go to the downtown Bend US Bank Branch to cast a vote (which I guess is fair, since they are the title sponsor of the PPP). But if you happen to have an office downtown (I know many of you do), then just take a walk during your lunch break, and cast your vote.

On a related note, if any of you local marketing or advertising firms is looking for a talented, fresh-out-of-school designer to add to your staff, contact me. She’s graduating this Spring and would like to move back to Bend. Obviously George Fox is one of the more expensive schools in Oregon, so she’d love to be able to start working and paying that down as soon as possible. Contact me and I’ll put you in touch with her.