Month: October 2010

Time Killers For The Evening

Couple time killers and then I’m going to ignore the world for the evening after this weekend’s fiasco (which, thankfully, I think is resolved finally — maybe someday I’ll write up a post for all the geeks here who might understand the mess I was dealing with).

  • Coaster Racer is a fun little race car game that gets addicting pretty fast (though it is a bit resource intensive if your computer is a bit on the under-powered side).
  • Momiga is a great little one-button game with simple task: get the dot across the screen. It took me a bit to get the last level, but I managed 200 clicks.

Almost Back Up And Running

We had a fairly major server outage yesterday. I won’t go into the details of it all, as I haven’t slept much in the last 24 hours and I’m utterly exhausted (yesterday was one of the nastiest days of my life, and this was just one of many things to go nuts yesterday). I’m slowly getting things back up and running 100%. If you notice anything weird, comment below (or even if you want to express your sympathies, that’d be fine, too). If commenting’s not working, email me at utterlyboring at gmail dot com.

Update: Still at it. Had some issues crop up overnight, but hopefully I’ll get this resolved permanently soon (and I’m seriously considering getting out of the hosting biz — I have enough stress in my life as it is).

I Suck

I’ve been so busy at both work and the minute I leave the office lately that I rarely want to turn on my computer when I get home. I’d rather just plop myself on the couch after going all frickin’ day and watch some TV. Even though we canceled our cable last month (we’re poor), there’s still plenty to watch with Netflix, Hulu, and the network channels (and a Windows 7 HTPC to allow us to do it all easily).

Just the same, this blog hasn’t gotten nearly the personal attention it deserves. I suck. I certainly wouldn’t deserve a Best Of Central Oregon nomination (but wouldn’t argue with you if you were to submit this site for a nomination). While uber-blogger Jon will probably get the nod (deservedly), it’d just be nice to knock that egotistical jerk off his high horse.

(Note: Before the hate mail comes in, Jon and I go way back, and anybody who knows Jon or I know that neither of us have egos, especially Jon. I just like to poke fun at him, as he would do to me.)

Anyway, back to the link dump for the evening:

More tomorrow, as I have a bunch of videos to share…

Is The Mirror Broken?


I Didn’t Win The Office Pool

We run an informal office pool to see who can guess when we’ll get the first snowfall in Sunriver. I said we’d get our first noticeable snow on the 30th. We got it today instead:


(Sorry about the lame usage of the local traffic cam. Our office camera appears to have disappeared, my cell phone is in for repair, and my office Web cam is throwing fits.)

Have A Good Weekend

Chain of Fire should kill off some of it.

My Eyes Hurt

And frankly, so do my ears (make sure you have the sound on for the full effect). It’s like an early 90s Geocities site with some home-sung background music thrown in for fun.

Thanks Nathan for the link.

Apparently John Kitzhaber’s Running For Governor Of Washington

Anybody see something wrong with this image (screen shot from My Yahoo!)?


You Tube Is Full Of Strange Things

Youtube has some really oddball stuff.

(Videos moved to after the jump…)


Reading Material

My early parts of the week are slammed, so blogging will be light on those days (with rehearsals for various groups taking up most of the time). That being said, here are some links that needs to be shared.