Everybody thank a sysadmin, because without them, your life would suck. I’m celebrating by remotely trying to bring a network back up after a storm-caused power outage — and it’s not working well, so I’m going to have to go to the office, I think (this is my normal day off).
Month: July 2009
How To Use Your Printer to Freak People Out
I’ve mentioned before how you can use Google to find unsecured Web cams and printers. The folks at Reddit found another open printer URL, but the best part was this comment, which makes it so you can change the status display on some HP printers, with some hilarious results.
If You’re Going To Photoshop Your Real Estate Listing…
…I’d recommend you actually use Photoshop, and not MS Paint.
Update on 7/30: It looks like they replaced the photo on the listing. The one that was there before is here:
The Good, The Bad…
and the Ugly…
Give it a minute to get going — it starts to roll about 1:15 in.
I Never Knew Sarah Palin’s Words Could Be So Beautiful
This was absolutely breathtaking — or something…
Birthday Parties Are Exhausting
My youngest daughter (who was briefly mentioned on here years ago), turned six today. With the weather being nice, we had a carnival party at our house with all sorts of games, prizes, and other goodies. It’s been in the planning stages for weeks, my wife outdid herself (as usual), and all the kids (and the parents/grandparents) had a great time. We’re all exhausted. After it was all said and done, I had to fix Jack’s server, and trying to remember command line commands when you can’t see straight isn’t the easiest thing in the world.
My wife promises this is her last big wingding for the kids. I don’t believe her for a second.
Users are Lazy, Stupid, or Lazy and Stupid
Which is why tech support will always be necessary, contrary to what some CTOs think.
On In Las Vegas…
…can you get a “personal hostess” (read: eye candy) for a golf caddy.