I’m heading over to Eugene in about an hour to watch the Duck game, and have ended up with an extra reserved ticket (as the folks who were originally going to go with me ended up bailing on me). If anybody wants it for dirt-cheap and will happen to be in Eugene anyway or wanted to head over there, email me using the form at right. I’ll have my Blackberry so I’ll be checking email, and will check my email before I head out of town as well as when I get near Eugene (the game’s at 12:30 today).
Update: Nobody claimed the ticket, and I couldn’t even give it away at the stadium. Why? It was a rainy, nasty mess and nobody was really trying too hard to get into the stadium. Despite wearing a rain coat, I was still soaked, and after the 3rd quarter, started the sloggy hike back to my car as I was totally soaked and could’ve probably have rung out my pants. Thankfully they won, but at least I did get to see some ol’ college buddies while I was there.
What are you talking about? You know it never rains in Autzen Stadium! 😉
I guess you’re right — that wasn’t rain. It was a shower.