Everybody who has read this site for long knows how much I love Halloween </sarcasm>. Just the same, thanks to Cheryl, here’s something entertaining for you.
Edit: Fixed the 2nd link — wouldn’t want anybody to miss out on my labels.
Surfing The Web So You Don't Have To
Everybody who has read this site for long knows how much I love Halloween </sarcasm>. Just the same, thanks to Cheryl, here’s something entertaining for you.
Edit: Fixed the 2nd link — wouldn’t want anybody to miss out on my labels.
The physics-based Assembler will kill off your day if you’re not careful. I got to level 17 before I had to quit.
So apparently my daughter talked to The Bulletin for their weekly Kids In The Hall, where they ask school kids a question. This week, they were apparently at my daughter’s school, and asked her what she wanted to be for Halloween. Her answer? “I’m going to be a model, because my cousin and I decided to both be models.” (link behind The Bulletin paywall). She says “model” but it’s more like “Glamour Girl” (at least that’s what we discussed before), as while my daughter is built like a model (tall and skinny, despite eating like a horse), encouraging her to be a model is something we’re just not going to do. She’s eight-years-old, for cripes sakes — thankfully she doesn’t know the difference (and is smart enough to realize the problem if she did). Same thing with her cousin. They’re both smart, bright, kids who eat plenty and will both do something great with their lives, thankyouverymuch.
But thanks for the concerns sent my way today. Now can you get on with your life and quit being so concerned about my parenting skills? Get a hobby, folks. Thanks.
Until I get a announcement blog setup on Bend Blogs (long term goal, among many), I’m posting this here: I’ve tweaked the RSS feed for Bend Blogs to use FeedBurner, and setup a redirect today so people should be starting to hit the Feedburner feed instead. If you have issues in your reader, please let me know, but Feedburner crunches the feed to make it compatible with dang near everything out there, so it shouldn’t be too much of an issues. It will also give me a better idea who’s coming in via the feeds and gives me the ability to put small text ads in the feeds.
It does, however, kill the ability to have feeds for individual blogs on the site. So this URL used to get you the RSS feed for just UtterlyBoring.com entries that are indexed on BendBlogs.com, but it now redirects to the main RSS feed (hardly anybody used the Bend Blogs individual site RSS feeds, and it would make more sense to just use the actual blog’s RSS feed).
It’s all the same crap…
Somebody recently commented to me privately that they don’t read my site as much when I don’t have local gossip on here. Since there is already plenty of that on Bend Blogs, I generally don’t even bother with it. I just don’t have time to deal with aftermath of what that kind of stuff generally turns into.
That being said, it’s time to just throw some stuff out there, and I’ll let you guys decide what you will with it (we need Snarky Bend again, who had no problem just running with this kind of crap):
“BendBroadband received multiple offers after making their shocking announcement last month. Supposedly the PPS or Price Per Subscriber figure the Tykesons were hoping for was met ($4000/PS) but the terms of the agreement were unsatisfactory. It’s rumored that the top bidder was Verizon, which makes sense. $4000/PS is high, the average for a cable company these days is around $2600/PS. So $4000×50,000 subs = deep pockets.
I’m guessing that Verizon wanted to gut the company, run fiber from their valley system, and just operate Bend with a handful of installers and a payment center. This would severely contradict Amy’s obligation with EDCO, who’s primary mission is to “Facilitate New Job Creation”.
I honestly don’t know what to think about that, nor could this guy give me any sort of credible evidence that it was true (as he gave me the “it would incriminate me” line), so take it all with a huge helping of salt.
So there you go — local gossip, for better or for worse. Discuss. Start some rumors, knock yourself out — just don’t blame me if things get out of hand.
Anybody else got any hot local gossip to share, true, false, or just plain stupid? The floor is open…
The Musical (with lots of gratuitous violence):
Undoubtedly, there will be a self-congratulatory column from the Bulletin Editor-in-Chief on Sunday (which The Source will probably tear apart word-for-word). The topic this time? The Bulletin’s circulation numbers have gone up again, bucking the national trend. Congrats to them, as it’s not an easy thing to do, but I would have to argue that it’s probably easier in an a rapidly-growing area like this with only a small amount of competition (at least, print-wise). While there are better online outlets (thanks to the Bulletin’s paywall), for sheer amount of varied content, the Bulletin has them beat.
Wooden Path will kill off too much of your time. Don’t play it.
I spent it up on my roof, probably confusing the crap out of my neighbors, with a 50-foot chunk of plumbing snake, trying to clean out my drains (which backed up in my bathrooms) and then scrubbing everything clean so I wouldn’t be repulsed using it again.