Month: June 2007

I Might Get Arrested For This

I frequently hold my daughters’ hands when we’re outside or walking somewhere. They actually ask to hold my hands.

But apparently that’s something sexual predators do, and I could be reported for it.

I love it how the good parents get picked on and jackass parents like these morons are still allowed to procreate.

Attach a Camera To Random Things

Like a package or a cat.

Random Science

A few interesting stories for science/number/research geeks:

Any Recommendations On Local Car Dealers?

I’ve about had it with my Dodge Grand Caravan. It was a good deal at the time, but it’s just been one thing after another that needs to be fixed, and it’s time to trade it in. I want to get a different minivan, preferably a foreign one (Toyota or Honda), as Consumer Reports just rates them so much better. I certainly can’t afford a new car so I’m going to be shopping the used market, but would prefer to buy from a dealer so I could possibly get a warranty of some sort and flexible financing.

Obviously the RNR people all seem to hate Auto Warehouse, but has anybody had anything good or bad to say about any local dealers?

My New TV Listings

I used to use Yahoo! TV for my TV listings, but since they switched to focus less on listings and more on TV show news, along with a complete redesign of their listings, I’ve been really annoyed with it. I tried using TV Guide, but still ran into issues that annoyed me (as well as inaccurate listings). And while when I finally move to digital cable next year when everybody in Bend will be forced to do so, I’ll get a fancy channel listing thing, until that point, channel 8 (TV Guide Channel) drives me batty waiting for channels when they spend a bunch of time plugging channels I don’t receive.

Then today I found my new preferred listings service: at Couchville. Simple, clean, fast, and customizable. Sweet. Now if I could remember where I got the site from so I could thank them….

The Most Dramatic Video You’re Going To See Today

This is an amazing piece of video drama right here…


Stupid Lawsuit For The Day

Town helps rescue woman. Woman returns favor by suing the town.

Beavers Plow Through CWS

I’ve said it before, I’m a Duck, but any Oregonian has to be proud of these Beavers. Congrats Oregon State on a great run through the College World Series.

Random cPanel Link Dump

As I’ve mentioned before, I use cPanel on my Web server. I’ve posted links before for using clamavmodule in Mailscanner, completely removing boxtrapper, among a few other things.

So here are a few other cPanel-related items that I needed to have bookmarked and documented for future reference. (after the jump, as it’s long and pointless for most people here):


Nice Rack

Best use for an old newspaper box. Ever.

Headline/link stolen from NewsDesigner.