Month: April 2007

I Knew That Girl Seemed Fishy

Dora the Explorer Captured, awaits deportation. Full story.

Random Bit O’ Science For The Day

A web of spider’s silk, assuming proper thickness and web design, “could stop a jumbo jet in midflight”. Cool!

I So Need to go to Sweden

Why? Becuse there’s a party in Sweden’s Pants…

Weird stuff, but I’d still like to go there. Thanks Cheryl for the video.

Worst Computer Accessory Ever

An Entire Orchestra with Veggies as the Instruments

I’m a symphonic music kind of guy, and this is pretty amazing to me:

Be sure the read the group’s web site to read more about the group and their concerts. The best part? They serve fresh vegetable soup after every performance.

Need UK Cell Phone Help

My sister-in-law is going on month-long trip to Europe starting later next month. They are going to mostly be in Airdrie, Scotland, but might go to Edinburgh, Glasgow, Stirling, and St. Andrews and London. She’d like to have a cell phone over there — just a simple, pre-paid phone that she can use in emergencies over there. Her current phone is a Tracfone Motorola v120c, so I doubt it can be used over there (I don’t think it operates on the same frequencies, nor is the SIM card removable, as far as I know).

Since I’ve never left the US (other than a few trips to Mexico), I don’t have the slightest idea how things work over there. I’ve heard of companies like Telestial that offer pre-paid international cell phones, but wanted to know if there are other options or if it’d be cheaper to just buy one when she gets over there.

I know I have some European readers here, folks, so time to come out of the woodwork and speak up.

Update: Updated with her current phone’s model number.

Link Dump

Totally slammed, links piling up, so here are a bunch of random links that have been sitting in my to-do pile for a while:

More useful links and discussion fodder tomorrow.

I really didn’t want to comment on this…

…but now that it’s hit the Bulletin, I’d better at least comment on the whole Baltazar’s mess.

A bit of background: Last week, the local Mom2Mom group posted an entry on their site, blasting Baltazar’s, a mexican seafood place in West Bend as being not-so-kid-friendly with Baltazar Chavez (the owner) being really rude. Both Jon and BOR had good reviews of the place back in the day, but they didn’t bring their kids. Just the same, I was then sent versions of the e-mail (and other stories) posted on the Mom2Mom site, all slamming Chavez (14 different emails in all, all basically quoting the same source). The stories of the rudeness showed up on other local blogs, on Craigslist, and then now into the Bulletin.

But I generally avoided this whole thing for a few reasons (and you’ll see a bit of my journalist background here):

  1. I’ve been totally slammed. The last week for me has been crazy busy, both professionally and personally, and I haven’t really had the time to look at this like I’d like to. I have a job and I doubt my employer would want me spending time looking into this.
  2. I didn’t know any of the people involved. While I’ve heard stories about the guy being a jerk over the years, everything I was reading in these blog posts and e-mails was hearsay. I didn’t know the people, nor did any of the people forwarding me the emails. It was all “I got this from a friend-of-a-friend.” Sorry, but don’t give “friend-of-friend” stuff that much credibility, especially when I have very little time on my hands to verify claims. I have a day-job, folks.
  3. I didn’t know Baltazar at all. I’ve never met the guy (though I have seen him in the area), so I didn’t want to start spreading something around that I didn’t know to be true. While I had heard stories, they hadn’t happened to me, nor had I the time to verify the various stories I’d heard or even compile them all. A**hole he may totally be, I have no idea. But again, I have a day job.
  4. The point has already been made. The mess has already gotten a ton of coverage — did I really need to contribute? I would’ve felt like I was just following the bandwagon and doing something that all the cool kids were doing.
  5. I didn’t want to give the guy more publicity. The reality is that all this whole mess is done is given a fairly new restaurant more publicity (good, bad, or otherwise). I didn’t want to contribute to that. Bad publicity it may be, but he just got his picture blown up in the Bulletin’s business section, a newspaper that’s read by 52,000 folks every day. Many people are going to just read the photo caption which says “He wants to make his restaurant different from other Mexican restaurants by creating an intimate and high-end setting.” That’ll be read by a lot of the childless folks on the West side of Bend who now know that they can go there and not be annoyed by kids. I know at least three childless couples who, even if the guy is a jerk, would probably still eat there because they like not eating with kids around. This will give them even more reason.
  6. A boycott/protest/whatever won’t hurt him. I had heard a few folks say they should boycott the restaurant. And what would that accomplish? It’s like when PETA sends an e-mail to all its members, asking them to boycott KFC. Do PETA members actually eat at KFC? No. So does KFC care if PETA boycotts? No. Will it hurt KFC’s bottom line? No. Same deal here. My guess is that most of the people that read these posts/e-mails either a) had never been there or b) were never planning on going there or c) could never afford to go there anyway (I fall into the latter category). So you’re going to boycott someplace you’d never go. All you did was make sure that kids say out of his place, which, reading the story, is exactly what he wants.

Last time the local blog world started talking about bad dining, it was about Kanpai, the sushi/sake place over on Newport. Folks were predicting the place’s demise, and last I checked, they’re still here over two years after that original post and debate (the Kanpai mess was another reason I avoided this one).

So long story short, I don’t think this whole mess is going to really hurt him. A total jerk the guy may be, but he’s probably laughing this all up right now. He’s gotten a ton of PR, will be frequented by the local childless who hate kids, and will still be around for a while. All he had to do was call somebody a horrible name.

Discuss below or over at Bend Forums. I’ve wasted enough time on this already, so I’ll probably be sitting this out.

Great Use For Google Ad Words

How to you keep folks from downloading malware from sites that run Google Ads? Pay for ads that warn them that they’re going to install Malware. Great public service, and ads like this should be at a discount.

“No, your episodes of ‘Prison Break’ can not be stored on the file server.”

This has been a long few days. First, I had the folks who were getting all miffed at me because I couldn’t help them with their web-based application, and now things have gotten more annoying.

I had a co-worker complain that the tape-backup drive in our small file server upstairs wasn’t actually backing anything up. After tweaking the tape settings, the job setting and finally watching through the logs as the thing ran, I come to find out that the DDS-3 tapes were full and that’s why the backup wasn’t finiishing completely — there was too much data on the server and not enough tape. I thought to myself “How could that be? This server is barely used and the 18GB SCSI drives have never been more than half full.” Open up “My Computer”, sure enough, the C:\ drive only has about 300 megs free. So something on the server was taking up a ton of space. Time to find out what it was.

I downloaded and installed a copy of WinDirStat which gives you a pretty graphical representation of the files on your machine. After I let it scan all the files, I noticed a crapload of *.m4v files, which are MPEG4 video files. After opening up the folder containing the files, and plugging the names into Google (as I couldn’t play them on the file server as it obviously doesn’t have a media player), I come to realize that the files are the first 16 episodes of season two of Prison Break. At about 600 megs a piece, it was taken up 9GB of space on the server. I deleted them, and, magically, the back up was able to run just fine. While there is hardware compression that will theoretically compress the tape’s data so it can fit 24GB of data, m4v files are already compressed, so there was no way it would all fit in the tape’s native 12GB capacity.

The staff has gotten a stern warning about this from the boss, so hopefully it shall not happen again.