Month: October 2006

Naked Coffee Guy Set Free

Naked Coffee Guy, the dude that was terrorizing the coffee stand girls around Bend this summer and subsequently arrested, was let loose by a local judge after making a plea deal with the DA’s office. He was ordered to seek sex-offender and mental health treatment and put on probation, but no jail time was ordered.

There have been some good comments on the old entry for this in the last couple days (after his release was announced) but feel free to comment here as well.

My opinion: he’s a sick dude, and hopefully he stays the hell away from teenage girls. He probably should’ve been locked up.

Ideas For Halloween

If you’re looking for something to decorate your house with, make yourself some Halloween Hobgoblins with some tampons. If you want to scare your pants off.

Meanwhile, I plan on spending tomorrow like I have the last two years by making sure that anybody who shows up at my door who’s far too old to be trick or treating gets a canned vegetable with these stickers on them that I made last year.

I Forgot How Hideous Windows 3.1 Was

Anybody remember the Hot Dog color scheme? Man that was ugly.

Fun Flash Game For The Day

Some Monday flash fun: Pixel Blaster.

Interactive Flash Search Engine

It’s a search engine with a human touch, it’s Ms. Dewey. If you want to get a reaction out of here, try some of the terms here.

“Where The Heck Have You Been, Mister?”

Yeah, I know, that not posting in four days is quite a while on this site. I finally recovered from the sheer exhaustion of being sick my getting totally behind at work and at home. To complicate things more, my last wedding was on Friday (after going to four others already). It was a nice wedding, and local (thankfully). Lots of great food and fun. But after being sick earlier this week, it was exhausting.

But the weekend was nice weather, and my paint on my house is peeling, so it was time to continue my home improvement and start painting the house. My parents had agreed last Christmas to help me paint our house, but due to circumstances beyond all of our control, along with their trip to Thailand for their anniversary, they were unable to help. I needed to do something as so much of the siding on my house is bare from the paint literally falling off the walls (it basically exploded off the walls when I pressure washed). I didn’t want to go into Winter without something on my walls, so I went to Denfeld’s to get a bunch of paint and primer, and starting frantically layering on primer and scraping off old paint from my house with the help of my father-in-law. The weather on Saturday was nice, so we wanted to get as much as we could done before it froze that night or got stormy again, so we rolled and brushed as much as we could until we were both exhausted. By 4PM, we had primed 97% of our house coated with really thick primer, ready for paint — whenever it’s nice enough to get to that on there. But at least our house won’t fall apart and get beat up because of snow, rain, and ice. It’d be nice to get the actual paint down over the primer, but I’ll at least sleep a little better now that all that bare wood is at least covered with something. And since its going to be pretty cold this week, I doubt I’ll be getting any painting done until possibly this next weekend where it’ll hopefully get into the low 60s.

So that’s what I’ve been doing.

And this week promises to be just as busy. With my wedding anniversary tomorrow and Halloween on Tuesday, dress rehearsal for our upcoming band concerts, and then the actual concerts on Sunday and Monday (which reminds me, I need a new shirt and snare drum sticks), it’s going to be a bit crazy. But I do have lots of fun links and stories to share, and will sort them through a bit tonight and see what I can come up with tomorrow.

Jake Ain’t Here

Jake is sick today. Jake is in bed, doing the saltines and water diet until whatever kept him up last night is completely through his system. Jake likes talking in the third person.

If you want to hear Jake sound like a bumbling fool, listen to Life Online with Bob Parsons tonight at 7PM Pacific Time. Jake and his site were featured in the strange domains segment of the show that was pre-recorded earlier this week, and Jake was totally unprepared for it (he had forgotton about it until the radio station guy called). Hopefully he didn’t sound like to much of a moron. If you’re here visiting because of that show, welcome. You’ll find the first couple year’s wrap up of the site here and I’m Jake is due for another historical wrap-up here soon.

Jake is going back to bed now.

One Picture Every Day Parody

We’ve all seen the various videos that have been floating around that show a picture from every day of a person’s life (just search YouTube — I’m not going to link to them here as they’re all mostly pretty stupid). This version is a bit different (and far more entertaining).


Anybody Up For Tacos?

Here’s the deal: If anybody in tonight’s game hits a home run left of center field tonight, everybody in America gets free Tacos. Thanks Barn for the link.

Oddball Toilets

I have to say, I’d be hesitant to use a toilet that looked like any of these.

So add those to this toilet that I would never be able to do my business on.