I’ve updated my original post accordingly, so read up there for the original story and on the arrest (as I’d rather keep it all in one place because it’s easier for me to keep track of things).
Month: August 2006
Bill O’Reilly Fans Are Idiots
I’ve mentioned many times before my dislike of Bill O’Reilly. Apparently his fans are morons, too. Watch this … .
Random Human Facts
Research has shown taller people are smarter, and age 34 is the most expensive age. But what if you’re tall and 34, does that mean you’ll be smart enough to not spend so much money? Or does it just mean you’ll be smarter with it?
Wikipedia Is Full Of Interesting Things
Wikipedia is really a handy resource, because you never know when you’ll need to know the names of a few big-bust models and performers or porn stars (and gay ones). You can also go there to research sexual positions or keep up on celebrity sex tapes. But at least there are some useful things. My guess is you won’t find any of that in Encyclopaedia Britannica.
Links all via WikiCharts which has gobs off oddball stuff that people are looking at.
Just A Bit Of Advice
If you’re going to go on LimeWire to download porn to your laptop, make sure that you turn it off before you go to the office, otherwise IT personnel will find your collection that you’ve unwittingly shared with the office.
You see, LimeWire has default settings to share all files that have been successfully downloaded to all iTunes applications on the network. Anybody who is running iTunes and has their iTunes set to look for shared playlists will find your LimeWire downloads.
Whoops… .
Bend Forums Fund Raising Drive Update
You may remember the Bend Forums fund-raising drive I posted about. I won’t go into the details here, but the pledge goal for the drive has been lowered. So if you’re interested in contributing or reading more details, check them out here and view the progress and donate here.
By the way: I’ve installed a new simple but fun extension on Bend Forums so you can enable people to “Buy You A Drink” (click to give you money), as well as a few other usability tweaks.
Poles on Bend’s North End To Come Down
Actually, not all the poles are going to come down — one’s going to be left as a gigantic flag pole, according to this press release:
Chris George, Owner 382-2277
Jimmy Bruce
DATE: August 29, 2006
HEADLINE: Nets, Poles & Old Glory
The nets and the poles will no longer be an eye sore on Bends north side. Before the snow flies, Bend’s skyline will be absent of the controversial driving range nets and poles. With one exception…the new owners wish to leave a single pole and display an American Flag. In fact we would like to dedicate this particular Flag to all of our military families here in Central Oregon. With the recent loss of Cpl. Randy Newman and Pfc. Tom Tucker we can think of no greater tribute than to recognize these men and their families.
From Redmond to LaPine and Awbrey Butte to Pilot Butte all who travel to and from this community will be reminded of those who have and are serving our country. We thank and honor those who serve.
I actually applaud not only the removal of those poles (finally) but the use of one as an American Flag pole.
Get It While It Lasts
If you want to play around with Windows Vista, you can get the Windows Vista pre-RC1 ISO file here. They’re limiting the downloads to 100,000, and the download is 2.6GB.
The Real Best Of Bend
Like Monkey Boy, I’ve always thought that while The Source‘s “Best Of Central Oregon” awards cover some good categories of Central Oregon living, there are always something missing. So leave it to Monkey Boy to come up with something I’m sure we were all thinking: Vote for the real best of Bend, including categories such as Best Donuts, Best Roundabout to Drive In Circles, Best Time For People-Watching at Wal-Mart, Bend Central Oregon Blog, Best KTVZ Personality Not Named Bob Shaw, and more.
Vote early, and vote often.