Bloggers are ‘net Version of Sad Guys with Police Radios

This guy’s going to get some flack over this (get user/pass here):

Do bloggers have the credentials of real journalists? No. Bloggers are hobby hacks, the Internet version of the sad loners who used to listen to police radios in their bachelor apartments and think they were involved in the world. …Most bloggers are not fit to carry a reporter’s notebook.

Generally, I agree with him, but there are many great bloggers out there that are probably better reporters than he is (and many good reporters who are also bloggers). Link via Romensko.


Dave M. says:

I would say that bloggers are more like CB radio people compared to HAM operators.
Back in the day, CB was full of people talking about anything at all. They were just the people who either couldn’t pass the stupid test to get a HAM lisense (know morse code for starters) or just didn’t want to bother.
Bloggers are pretty much the same. There are millions of people out there just barfing out any old drivel they want. Then there are the serious bloggers like The Daily KOS that are actually run by journalists.

Bloggers v. Journalists

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“The war against the media”

UtterlyBoring and Bring Back the 80’s! both have posts about an article by professional journalist Nick Coleman entitled Blogged down in Web fantasy. The following are a few sentences in the article.
It is about the war against the media. A lot …