Bend Blogging Summary

We have another Bend blogger! A hearty welcome to Shannon at There’s Always Something. She’s transplanted here from the oh-so-lovely state of Nebraska, and loves blogging. She’s running her site on Blogspot, but it would appear she doesn’t have an RSS feed. Bummer…

So that brings up the total of Bend bloggers to the following (not including me an this site):

  • Jon at Chuggnutt is the PHP/MySQL geek among us, and also runs
  • Dane at Brainside Out, who has been blogging for quite a while. Expect to see him in the ER soon.
  • Chris at Monkey In A Box runs an entertaining site. I helped him get setup with hosting and MT back in the day, but he’s off my server, venturing off into his own land now.
  • Roger at High Desert Skeptic has come out of hiding and is blogging more often now. He was running the Central Oregon For Dean site before Dean dropped out.
  • Simone at On The Bright Side makes a living taking awesome pictures. She’s technically not in Bend, but since LaPine isn’t an incorporated city yet, she’s getting listed. That, and her husband works with my dad now and again, so it’s all good.
  • Josh at Mr. Snazz doesn’t update his site too much, but he’s into Geocaching and has some Geocoins out there.
  • Nick never updates his site, but he could still be considered a blogger.
  • Barney’s probably the ultimate blogger as the reporter for and while technically isn’t a blog, Barney works his ass off to get content on there, and deserves some sort of recognition.
  • And of course, Shannon, who I mentioned above.
  • I actually know of one more blogger who I can’t link to because she runs a private blog (for good reason). If she’s reading this and gives me permission, I’ll happily link to her (she know who she is).

So that brings it to 10 bloggers that I know of that blog in Bend/LaPine. Anybody else know of any that I’m missing (any where in Central Oregon)? Feel free to post a comment here and I’ll get it added to my blogroll.

Shannon said in an email to me earlier that we really need a Central Oregon blogger meet up. I’m starting to agree with her.


logjam says:

Yeah I took myself out of the loop right after Howlin’ Howard did his crazyman imitation at the Iowa Caucus, then treated myself to a couple months in Thailand to recuperate:
Now I’m doing all I can to get fired up about John Kerry.
So far, maybe not so much. I do miss Hoho, but I’ve got my eyes firmly on The Prize.
I see you’ve added a couple more Bend bloggers. I shall go visit directly.

Barney says:

Thanks for including me as an honorary blogger (ex officio blogger?) my friend. I’d skip maybe, gasp, a city council meeting! to attend a local blogger meeting. Part of me says NOT to work, part says to do a REAL story on the blog phenomenon and the local lights involved. Of course, then I’d have to tell Jake’s REAL story (gasp!;-)

Jon says:

Technically, I’m more moral support for… but I won’t quibble if you wanna give me props 😉

And Barney mentions a local blogger meeting. I’d be game for that.

if anyone wouldl like to help me out by moving my blog from blogspot to MT and telling me WHAT THE HELL AN RSS feed is … let me know.

Brad says:

I’m with “kasey”. I keep reading about RSS feeds, but have no idea what they are. Fill me in.

Jon says:

I have told Jon that you need a meet-up NUMEROUS times….
–Jon’s wife

logjam says:

Bend blog meetup? I’m there, as long as the coffee’s good. Belatazza has good beans……

HAHAHA….OK, Jon’s wife’s invited 😉

I’m starting to agree that we need to meetup — anybody want to suggest a place/time?

And RSS feed is an easy way for geeks like me to keep up on sites that we like to view. Download a copy of a RSS Feedreader, subscribe to some feeds, and you’ll be able to read site’s headlines without having to head to the site everytime. It’s basically a good way to keep up on your favorite sites without a ton of work (I have about 40 feeds in my FeedReader).

Jon says:

If I’m suggesting places, I always gotta go with one of the breweries. If it’s nice weather, we might even get the patio at the Bend Brewery, though if there’s a lot of us (9 or 10?), and we all show up, it’d be tricky.

Hmm… maybe I’ll just blog a meetup suggestion. Yeah, that’s the ticket.

no coffee house! beer, beer, beer … i will set the thing up but i won’t be back in bend until monday.

Hehe….OK, we have a bunch of lushes for bloggers 😉

I don’t drink, but nothing like hanging out with a bunch of bloggers who are drunk (I’m bringing the digicam).

Jon says:

You don’t drink? Man…

Hehe…considering all the stress I deal with on a daily basis, you’d think I’d be a lush 😉

But don’t worry, just because I don’t drink doesn’t mean I mind when others do.

i only drink one or two unless it’s wine.

Dane says:

Beer. The source of and solution to all my problems.

simone says:

Gee. Now you guys are making it literally impossible for me to miss this meeting. If just for the utter amusement of seeing ya all face-down on the hardwood tables at the Brewery. I’ll be bringing my digicam also …