Ping Yahoo! with MovableType

Go into your Weblog config, and add “” to your URLs to ping. So in addition to,, and the Moveable Type recent update key, here are all the sites that get pinged in my config:

Update: (got that from here)

Update: (got that from the comments on Neil’s Pinging Service Run Down)

So a total of seven nine sites that get pinged whenever I post. Posts sometimes slow a tad to ping, but it’s really not too bad. Besides: I get traffic from all of them, so it’s worth it.

Why would you want to ping Yahoo? They are launching an RSS Aggregator.


Ozguru says:

Thanks for the hint.

Blog Pingorama

I found some more fodder for my Blog Service Pinger:
I just ran across Neil’s Pinging service rundown, which in turn links to an article about pinging on UtterlyBoring.
There are a couple of ping services mentioned there that I will be adding. …

Huh. At the bottom of your post, it says “TrackBack (0)”, but if you click, it shows my trackback….

Okay, waitaminute. NOW it says “TrackBack (1)”… I guess posting a regular comment here made it rebuild. Sorry for the two wasted comments 🙂

dan says:

I see that you’re still using MT 2.661 (like me). I believe I read that the recently updated keys are no longer honored for showing up on the recently updated list on You’re supposed to use it to get a discount on MT 3.0 (which I’m not planning to do, but that basically makes the keys worthless now).

Jake says:

Oh that’s lovely. I have no itention, at least right now, of moving to MT 3.0. I haven’t looked through my ping logs to see if the pings are getting rejected, but I’ll just keep it in my config for now.

dan says:

It’s not causing errors in the logs, I believe they’re just silently ignoring them. I posted a new entry, then looked at the recently updated list and my site was not there, even after reloading every few seconds for a minute or two.
It kind of stinks.

Jake says:

Yeah, I’ve seen that, tallglassofmilk, and was going to do a recent post about it. Thanks!

R2G says:

Pingoat – . This service pings over 50 blog services all atonce !

I’ve started a ping service called Blog Buzz Machine, you can ping us at or via web form at

Apoc says:

There’s a great ping relay service at that forwards pings on to all the major services… and they have a great web interface for doing manual pings also!

mehmet says:

Thanks for the hint.