A Few Minor Updates

Just some updates to some previous posts as well as some new news:

  • The marble finally came out this morning without incident. No more poop patrol for me.
  • Actually, something was taken from my car the other night. This morning was the first time I’d actually driven anywhere in my car since Thursday, and noticed my sunglasses were gone — my $7, Bi-Mart special sunglasses. No huge loss there. But still will at least install some motion sensor lights for the driveway.
  • This is what I woke up to this morning:

    Yes, that is about seven inches of snow in my backyard and burying my cars, and yes, it is April 17. What’s funny is my office in Sunriver, which is at a higher elevation and usually gets beaten with snow, only had about an inch on the ground. Mt. Bachelor ended up with about 14 inches in the last 24 hours, and they still have a mid-mountain base of 192 inches.

    Is anybody else ready for spring yet? Because, despite what Simone says, it ain’t here yet.

More posts later when I get myself organized, I just know a bunch of people were asking about those items.


Jack K. says:

…I feel almost guilty in noting that in my neck of the La Pine woods, where my lawn just became visible last week for the first time since early November, there wasn’t a flake of snow. Strange…

Cheryl Howard says:

7 inches of mostly cloudy sure is a big mess. Of course, this is the week we have the yards dug up to install irrigation….

Nonchalant Savant says:

And here in Dallas, as I type this – it’s 96 degrees.
Trade ya!

Simone says:

Sure, Spring is here! To echo what Jack said – not a flakelet in sight in ole’ L.A. Pine! The weather tried, but failed miserably. Heh.