Month: February 2012

Video Dump

You didn’t need to get anything done, and I need to get these off my plate…


Time Killer For The Day

You thought QWOP was frustrating? Try the two player version if you and a friend want to share the anger.

Free Concert: Cascade Winds Symphonic Band: Western Music

fallposter-thumb.jpgIt’s cheap plug time again! I’ll be playing in the Cascade Winds Symphonic Band concert this weekend. The theme is Western Music. The concert is Sunday, March 4, 2:00 p.m., at Summit High School. The best part? It’s free.

This concert will feature music from John Philip Sousa, Ferde Grofe, John Williams, Gustav Holst and more! Concerts are free, open to the public and suitable for all ages. For more information visit Or you can find the event on Facebook here.

If you’d like to print up a poster/flyer to distribute, we would greatly appreciate it. Below are some PDF files that should work dandy:

Look forward to seeing you there!

Reading Material

Few oldies but goodies here (new for me, at least…)

Time Killer For The Evening

You have 10 Bullets. How many ships can you take out? I got 423 on my first whack at the game. How’d you do?

Update: Since that 423, I haven’t been able to get over 200-ish, so that must have been total luck.

Apple Confirms Data Center Plans for Prineville

I’ve been playing catch-up after a weekend of concerts combined with a couple days of flu-like crapiness, but this couldn’t wait: Apple’s moving in next to Facebook, plans on building a data center in Prineville.

Reading Material

Update: Fixed missing “h” in “http:” on the SOPA link. Thanks Josh for letting me know.

Time Killers For The Day

  • All That Matters is a great little puzzle-platform game where you control different family members, each with their own abilities, to solve problems.
  • Are you a color wizard? Try your hand at Color where you need to quickly find certain types of colors that match certain attributes. I managed to play through the whole thing getting “Very Good” or “Perfect” on the entire thing.

It’s All About The Facial Hair

The guy apparently shaved his beard for the first time in several years and decided to make this:

This beats the original video by a country mile.

Looking for Prize Donations for the 2012 NCAA Pick ’em

It’s almost that time again for our annual March Madness NCAA Tournament Pick ’em. I’m trying to get things organized a bit for this year’s annual (our seventh year doing this — see some past events here, here, here, here, and here) and am working on collecting prizes for the winners. Does anybody have anything would like to contribute or know anybody (or a business) who would like to donate a prize?

As usual, all prize submitters will get text link on the tourny page (which will be available at I’ll also be rotating 125×125 pixel ad banners for your company or blog or whatever during the duration of the tournament on utterlyboring,com,, and hopefully on as well (we did last year, but still need to confirm with Jon), giving your business or site a good chunk of online exposure.

Anything can be submitted for a prize, as I’m pretty casual, as are the folks who participate in the tournament. If you have anything fun, weird, stupid, interesting, cool, whatever you want to throw into the prize pot, by all means let me know (comment here with your email address so I can contact you or e-mail me at utterlyboring {at} gmail {dot} com).