This little girl would be fun to sit down and have a conversation with.
Month: December 2011
I Want A Piano Desk
Everything’s better when it’s musical…
Dec. 29th is Move Your Domain Day, and other SOPA Rants and Thoughts
While GoDaddy reversed their SOPA stance because of public outcry from fairly big names (and smaller single entities), you should still probably look at other options because SOPA is just such an ugly thing. It would mean the end of major sites with small teams. Naturally, groups like the RIAA are behind SOPA — the same RIAA who pirated $9 million worth of TV shows.
Seriously, if you don’t know anything about SOPA, read up here, here, here (linked to before), here and here. Oregon’s own Ron Wyden is trying to propose alternatives to SOPA.
Many folks (except maybe this guy) are trying to move their business away from SOPA-supporting companies, me being one of them. I manage 60+ domains personally as well as for a few companies I work for, and am slowly moving them away from to NameCheap (affiliate link — use that to transfer/buy, and I get a few pennies) for this along with a few other reasons. While is cheap, so is NameCheap, and their support/service has been better (and good lord, GoDaddy is always trying to upsell me a boat load of crap I don’t need/want every time I try to renew something there). NameCheap is joining in on the call for a move your domain day on December 29th with $7 transfers, and they’ll donate $1 to EFF for each domain transferred. While I can’t afford to move all my personal domains at once, I will be moving them when renewal time comes up (I’ve already moved several of the company-managed domains I deal with). There’s an easy step-by-step guide to move your domains from GoDaddy to Namecheap.
Why do poorly-written laws like this even see the light of day? Seriously, Congress, it’s not OK to not know how the Internet works (similarly, it’s not OK to not know how Congress works).
Time Killer For The Weekend
I’m taking a three day weekend, starting tomorrow, so everybody behave until I get back. Here’s hoping you and yours have a very merry (and safe) Christmas, and that you get or are able to give all the gifts you desire.
Meanwhile, here is Coins, a very Zen-like game that is quite simple, but quite entertaining.
Help Raise $10,000 For Charity
Buck-a-hit day is tomorrow on, where Jack will be giving a dollar to charity (up to $5000) for every visitor his site gets tomorrow. His goal for the day is to raise $10,250 overall through donations from visitors of the site (the previous record was $10,115).
It’s for a good cause, and a great bunch of charities, so be sure to click on over tomorrow.
Video Dump
Some great videos to kill off your afternoon…
Reading Material
- The pr0n index “is a very silly web application that tells you what percentage of the internet for some given search phrase appears to be about porn” (safe for work, don’t worry).
- While I’m not a LAN-Party type of guy, you have to admire the effort this guy put into his house. Here’s the back-story and the technical FAQ.
- Hacking Google for fun and profit.
- Are you the guy that always makes an idiot out of himself at the office holiday party? Let Office Party Rescue make your moronic behavior look tame.
- Rain makes everything better.
- What started as a personal project, quickly became an obsession for New York photographer Jamie Livingston, who managed to take a Polaroid picture every day for 18 years. You can see the photos here.
- Horses**t: One man’s rebuttal to iOS fanboys.
- What if you did Twitter by mail?
- From zero to Go: launching on the Google homepage in 24 hours.
- Interesting project: Web hosting for your DropBox (comments that might better explain this).
- The single-lane Super Highway is mesmerizing to watch thousands of user-created cars drive by.
- Future Drama is taking another look at yesterday’s future.
- I’m thinking about trying out Geckoboard for giggles to get a bit of a real-time status board at an office I work at (if it could tie in with the Navis stuff, it’d be even better).
How To Lose $2400 in 24 Seconds
On the Oregon Coast, no less…
Sci-Fi Has A New Common Enemy
We’ll let George Takei explain…
Side note: Carrie Fischer hasn’t aged nearly as well as The Shat has.