Month: January 2011

Video Game Physics Are Far Better Than Real-Life Physics

It’s not too often you watch a soccer match where this happens:

Losing Track of Google’s APIs and Developer Products?

This might help. And holy cow, I didn’t know they had that many APIs and dev resources. I’d completely forgotten they had bought some of those companies.

Looking For Egyptian Riot Coverage?

While the coverage from American media online isn’t too bad (they were a little late on the ball, really), you’re better off going to Aljazeera’s English site or BBC’s site as they seem to have things better covered.

While the country’s internet has been shutdown, people are finding ways around and still getting out twitter posts. Anonymous (and many ISPs, too) is at it, too, using the good ol’ fax machine to get relevant information into the country.

There’s a good write-up on the first three days of the mess over on reddit.

This video is great and gave a very appropriate quote: “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable.” (John F. Kennedy)

Fastest Video Game Speed Run Ever

It has to be seen to be believed.

Cellos Are Awesome

If I could play any stringed instrument, it would be the cello. It’s just a very fun, versatile instrument. As somebody who enjoys modern pop music played on traditionally classical instruments, I really enjoyed this:

Reading Material

Brilliant Idea That Needs To Become A Reality

It’s a USB plug that will plug in and work whether it’s upside down or not. I can’t even count how many times I’ve had to blindly plug a USB device in and get the orientation of the plug wrong. I’d say at least 75% of the time I have it upside down because I can’t usually see the plug I’m plugging into very well. This needs to become a reality sooner rather than later.

Best Action Sequence Ever?

Yes, it probably is…

Anybody know the name of the movie? It looks awesome!

Ikea Stores Are Mazes

Just in case you didn’t know that already, here’s the science to prove it.

Quick Before-Bed Time Killer

You need to escape the sewer.