Month: December 2010

Reading and Watching Material

Some videos and some interesting reads for you all (videos after the jump as to not clog up the front page):

Read on for the videos…


Time Killer For The Evening

While I venture home in the blizzard conditions that I’m seeing out here, you have fun with Color World. Level 14 kind of sucks, but once you get past that, it gets better.

Amazon Sold 158 Items Per Second on Cyber-Monday

Yes, you read that right. Their press-release is here, the TechCrunch article is here. It’s an amazing number. I’d like to see how many orders, say, Best Buy’s retail stores did on Black Friday, for comparison.

I personally have avoided Black Friday the last few years, and haven’t missed it one bit. We bought a bulk majority of our gifts this year on Amazon. Thanks to my wife’s eligibility for Amazon Mom and the Amazon Prime that came with it, it made it stupidly easy and fast that it was really hard to pass up.

Post Christmas Wrap-Up

After three days of great time with friends and family, I can’t say that I wanted to go back to work this morning (but who ever really wants to go to work?). I got to spend time with all sorts of family and friends and ate far too much food. A great time was indeed had by all. It was great seeing friends and family who I hadn’t seen for quite a while (some for years). And as usual, we were all spoiled rotten. The haul (not 100% inclusive, but interesting things that were giving to anybody in our family that readers here my find interesting — I’m at work, so I can’t remember the list 100%):

Seriously, though, it’s a large haul, and I’m not including all the stuff my wife and kids received (there was a FoodSaver, a bunch of American Girl-sized stuff — some brand-name, some generic — as well as some other toys and things that I have forgotten at the moment). We always clean out the kids toys and closets after Christmas and donate their gently-used stuff to charity, and we’ll be doing that again this year. I’m always extremely blessed and grateful to have such caring wonderful people in my life, and I hope that I’ve been able to do what I can for them, even if I can’t always do so financially and spoil them like I’d really like to (if I had the money, I’d be buying a ton of gifts for people).

I hope everybody had a Merry Christmas!

(Note: Yes, I do have Amazon affiliate tags in some of these links so if you purchase any of the stuff listed above or anything from Amazon via these links, I’ll get a few pennies. If you object to the affiliate tags, I’m sorry, and you’re welcome to just search the Web for these items or block the cookies.)

Happy Festivus

It’s Festivus for the rest of us!

If you’re ignoring the fact that there’s a holiday coming up, there are some hilarious videos posted here. If you’re looking for something inspirational, this might bring a tear to your eye.

Seriously, though, here’s hoping you have a great Christmas (or have a good weekend in general, if you’re not celebrating Christmas). I’m signing off until early next week, spending time with friends, family and loved ones this weekend. Feel free to air your grievances below or post any holiday comments in general.

Real Life FPS

What if first-person-shooter games ventured into real life. They might look something like this:

US Gov’t Didn’t Think This One Through

The CIA has launched a taskforce to assess the impact of 250,000 leaked US diplomatic cables. Its name? WikiLeaks Task Force, or WTF for short.

Speaking of the WikiLeaks mess, this quote from EFF co-founder John Perry Barlow sums it up quite nicely:

We have reached a point in our history where lies are protected speech and the truth is criminal.

Could not have been said better.

The recent essay in The Atlantic entitled The Hazards of Nerd Supremacy: The Case of WikiLeaks is also worth a read.

Time Killers For The Evening

Reading Material

There Goes The Rest Of Your Weekend

Flight is an addicting little game will kill off any time you had the rest of the evening.