Month: November 2009

Free Family-Friendly Concert This Weekend

Many of you know that I’m a percussionist for both the Cascade Winds Symphonic Band and the Central Oregon Symphony (I’ve been a percussionist for the Cascade Chorale on a few occasions as well). While I love playing with all those groups for a variety of reasons, I really enjoy playing with the Cascade Winds (aka the COCC Concert Band) the most because of the large variety of music and (obviously) the variety and complexity of the percussion parts.

We have our first concert of the season this weekend. Feel free to click on the banner to the right or click here for all the details. The concert is Sunday, Dec. 6, at 2PM, at Summit High School. The concert is free (donations accepted), family-friendly, and refreshments will be served during intermission.

You can also find the event on Facebook.

Hope to see you there!

Post-Thanksgiving Reading Material

Hope everybody had a good holiday. Back to work. There will be a quiz tomorrow…

Have A Safe Thanksgiving

I’m going to by trying to avoid my computer as much as possible the next few days. I also plan on avoiding the malls and stores on Friday as it’s going to be a mess. If I can’t buy it online, I’m not going to buy it (speaking of buying stuff, feel free to click on the banner to the right if you plan on shopping at Amazon — as I’ll get a few pennies of you do). I’m going to spend some time with my family the next few days, and gorge myself stupid.

Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving, everybody. I’ll rest easy knowing that this year I remembered the chips.

Fascinating Look Into 9/11 History

Wikileaks has published over half a million US national text pager intercepts. The intercepts cover a 24 hour period surrounding the September 11, 2001 attacks in New York and Washington. You can see the massive archive here, but the folks at Reddit and Digg are already digging through them for interesting tidbits.

I’m sure the conspiracy theorists are going to have a field day with some of this stuff.

Any Theories?

So there was an article in The Bulletin and another article on Data Center Knowledge about a “well-funded, well-known company” wanting to build a large datacenter in the Prineville area. Anybody have any theories as to who it might be? Naturally it’s cloaked in secrecy, and everybody involved has had to sign NDAs. I wouldn’t think it’d be Google, as they already have a datacenter in The Dalles, which is just a few hours away, but Yahoo! or Microsoft might be possibilities.

I also wasn’t aware that the fiber-optic infrastructure was in place in Prineville for a large datacenter. Any datacenter worth its salt will need redundant pipes in and out of the building, and while I know there’s fiber all along the I-84 corridor (which is why it was an easy decision for Google to build in The Dalles), is there such a thing running along Highway 126? Searching around on Google, there’s an image here that shows a fiber ring running through Prineville, but I don’t know exactly what that map is for or when it was created. I have a feeling it was something that had to do with Senate Bill 622, which was the bill in 1999 that required self-healing fiber rings in rural Oregon, but I have no idea if those rings were completely created or not, as I don’t trust Qwest as far as I can throw them (I’ll look into it when time allows — or not, as I do have a day job).

(And if anybody wants to send through an totally unsubstantiated rumor and remain anonymous, send it to utterlyboring [at] gmail [dot] com. Unless you know Google’s behind this, then that probably wouldn’t be a good idea — comment anonymously below instead.)

Update: Looking around the net, Quantum Communications and Bend Broadband provide business services to Prineville, which means they probably have fiber running right down that highway, as does Qwest, so between the three of them, they should be able to provide some decent amount of bandwidth for whomever is planning on moving in.

Clean Up At Bend Blogs

I finally got around to doing some spring-cleaning over at Bend Blogs. There were a bunch of blogs listed that were either dead or haven’t been updated in a year, so it was time to clean some of the stuff out. I started the day with 431 blogs listed, and after getting rid of the ones that were either dead or haven’t been updated in over a year, we’re down to 364. The archives from those blogs, unless specifically requested by the authors of them, are still listed in the search function on Bend Blogs, the site’s names just won’t show up on the left-side column.

I also fixed a few broken RSS feed URLs as well as new blog addresses for folks who change their address on a fairly regular basis (I’m looking at you, Shannon).

One of these days I’ll get around to updating the blogroll on this site, and hopefully LinkBox will help me with keeping that managed.

The Large Hadron Collider Has Been Fired

The thing‘s been fired up after getting all fixed and had its first real collisions, Pretty screen shots here.

Please note that there were no black holes and the world did not come to an end.

For The Twilight Fans (or Un-fans)

The Twilight madness is at full tilt with last week’s release of the 2nd movie, and this guy’s opinion and description of the movies is probably going to anger some folks — though I had to agree with him and laugh heartily. Observe (naughty language edit warning):

The movie is just the same uninspired crap s**t out onto a film reel. If you like the taste of horse manure on your bologna sandwiches, you’re probably gonna like it on your birthday cake as well. The same principle applies with Twilight.

Beyond that, it’s just a romance novel with the occasional vampire teen drama bulls**t peppered here and there. It doesn’t really break any new ground in the realm of vampire fiction, other than portraying vampires as a family of uncomfortable retards who prance around the woods eating deer and bunny rabbits. There’s lots of nervous lip-biting, tender kisses between Pants and Edward, and lengthy descriptions of every feature of Edward’s body. Pants is a static character who never really progresses beyond being an insecure vampire fangirl who obsesses over Edward. Whether her character grows beyond that is unknown to me, I’d stopped reading by then and shifted my attention to an electric butt-massaging chair in Sky Mall.

Whether you’re a Twilight fan or not, the page is hilarious.

And if you’re interested in a review of the movie, Roger Ebert tore it apart:

The characters in this movie should be arrested for loitering with intent to moan. Never have teenagers been in greater need of a jump-start. Granted some of them are more than 100 years old, but still: their charisma is by Madame Tussaud.


sitting through this experience is like driving a tractor in low gear though a sullen sea of Brylcreem.

Stay Indoors Today

faceinclouds.jpgIn case you haven’t heard, the area got hit with a bunch of snow overnight and throughout the day. I had nearly a foot at my office at one point, but it’s down a few inches now (still a nasty mess outside). Took me nearly an hour to get to the office this morning. I blame the weather system pictured to the right, from the KTVZ radar, that appears to have an evil face in it over the ocean. Evil-Face Storm (which is what I’m sure Bob Shaw would probably call it) is probably responsible for the snow.

If you can avoid going anywhere today, please do. Meanwhile, here are some links to keep you busy:

I’d better go shovel out my car here and start heading home. Be safe out there!

They May Look Cute And Cuddly…

but don’t mess with the hippo — those guys will mess you up.