Month: September 2009

Quick And Dirty Web Site Fixes

Have five minutes? Have a web site? Here are 101 Five Minute fixes to incrementally improve your Web site.

So if you did all of them, and they indeed took five minutes each, it’d take you approximately 8½ hours. Not a bad work day for a much better site.

Need Quick And Dirty OCR?

Let Google take care of it. The results aren’t perfect, but it’s free and always getting bette. With Google’s purchase of reCAPTCHA, along with their ongoing book scanning projects, I can see this service only getting better and better over the years.

Late Night TV Hosts Are Corporate Shills

Whether on the Tonight Show or on his new show, Jay Leno is a big-time shill.

And same could be said about Conan O’Brien and David Letterman.

Come Listen To Me Pretend That I Know What I’m Doing

So the folks at Smart Solutions here in Bend run a monthly SmartGroup roundtable/seminar session, and this month’s topic is “Blogging: The Good, Bad, and the Ugly”. They’ve asked me, Jon Abernathy from HackBend and TheBrewSite (he also works for Smart Solutions), Andre Jensen from FreelanceSEM, and Meg Thompson from Audette Media to come and present. I would probably say that Jon = “The Good”, I = “The Bad” and Andre = “The Ugly” with Meg being “The Meg”, but I digress. I’d encourage you to come, as it’s going to be a good panel of pretty smart folks. The Facebook event page is here.

While anybody knows me knows how I can jabber with the best of them and have been directly interviewed several times about blogging before, I’ve never really presented in a setting like this. So I ask you, dear loyal readers (I know there are a few of you): If you were attending this seminar, what would you like to hear from me?

The Show is 95% People Staring At Each Other

It’s “The Wonder Years“, minus Daniel Stern (the narrator, for folks who don’t know):

I Realized Tonight How Much Of An Idiot I’ve Become

Despite the fact that I have a college BS degree, I haven’t taken a math class since high school (I have taken some comp. sci and physics classes, but not a math class). I was really good at math in school, and took a placement test when I was first in college and received several college credits for aceing it — which killed off my need to take a math class for the journalism degree I was after.

Tonight, my 21-year-old sister-in-law came over with her COCC math homework so my wife (also a science/math geek growing up) and I could help her. And I realized two things: One, I’ve completely forgotten how to use my TI-83 or my wife’s TI-85 graphing calculators, resorting to online versions, and two: it’s been way too long since I’ve even thought about any sort of advanced algebra. I’m bumbling my way through it, but I remember this stuff being stupidly easy back in the day. I’ve sort of become a math moron (granted, I’m doing better than some probably would, but just the same, not nearly like I used to be).

My late high school calculus teacher would be seriously disappointed in me.

Would You Like A Marshmallow?

How about a couple?

What Do You Really Do At Work?

Face it: you spend less than 1% of your day at work doing actual work, and 99.9% of your day doing other crap.

Want To Get As Far Away From The Golden Arches As Possible?

If you mapped all the McDonalds in the US and wanted to live the farthest away from one, it looks like a spot in South Dakota is the place to be at 107 miles from the nearest Big Mac.

Time Killer For The Evening

It’s low-res, but a helluva lot of fun: it’s Pixel.