Despite the fact that I have a college BS degree, I haven’t taken a math class since high school (I have taken some comp. sci and physics classes, but not a math class). I was really good at math in school, and took a placement test when I was first in college and received several college credits for aceing it — which killed off my need to take a math class for the journalism degree I was after.
Tonight, my 21-year-old sister-in-law came over with her COCC math homework so my wife (also a science/math geek growing up) and I could help her. And I realized two things: One, I’ve completely forgotten how to use my TI-83 or my wife’s TI-85 graphing calculators, resorting to online versions, and two: it’s been way too long since I’ve even thought about any sort of advanced algebra. I’m bumbling my way through it, but I remember this stuff being stupidly easy back in the day. I’ve sort of become a math moron (granted, I’m doing better than some probably would, but just the same, not nearly like I used to be).
My late high school calculus teacher would be seriously disappointed in me.