I’m taking a four-day weekend (starting yesterday), since my wife is heading over the pass as we speak and somebody needed to stay with the kids. I’ve vowed to do nothing productive and to spend as little time as possible on my computer, other than to do a few things:
- Posting this.
- Reading some reference material for my other mission today (I never play my DS as much as I’d like).
- Sucking down some bandwidth.
I also realized a couple things:
- Daytime TV Sucks. There is absolutely nothing entertaining on (at least this time in the morning).
- I could never be a single dad, as I suck at doing little girls’ hair to get them ready for school. My wife makes them look so cute, I have a high standard to live up to. I’d have to hire somebody just to come over every morning and doll them up.
I am glancing at my email periodically, avoiding work-related e-mail, in-case I have a server or something go down, but otherwise, I’m going to drown my self in laziness and fun with my girls when they get home from school. And am going to enjoy every minute of it.