Month: April 2009

Daytime TV Sucks

I’m taking a four-day weekend (starting yesterday), since my wife is heading over the pass as we speak and somebody needed to stay with the kids. I’ve vowed to do nothing productive and to spend as little time as possible on my computer, other than to do a few things:

I also realized a couple things:

  • Daytime TV Sucks. There is absolutely nothing entertaining on (at least this time in the morning).
  • I could never be a single dad, as I suck at doing little girls’ hair to get them ready for school. My wife makes them look so cute, I have a high standard to live up to. I’d have to hire somebody just to come over every morning and doll them up.

I am glancing at my email periodically, avoiding work-related e-mail, in-case I have a server or something go down, but otherwise, I’m going to drown my self in laziness and fun with my girls when they get home from school. And am going to enjoy every minute of it.

All In Favor Of Winter Being Over, Say “Aye”

I don’t know about the rest of you, but waking up to snow on the driveway (and an inch on the ground at the office) when it’s nearly May isn’t my idea of a good time. Anybody else ready for this to be over? I’d love to not have to start a fire every stinking morning.

Lost And Found

I thought I lost a big collection of links, but they were found when doing some cleaning on the hard drive. So here are a few of them.

Oh, and here’s a time-killing game for the evening to get you really frustrated going into Monday. I got up to 5630 on my first try before my eyes were starting to bleed.

Coder vs. Photoshop

So there’s a little piece of code from an image viewer for Mac OS X that is probably one of the best commented rants against a file format I’ve seen in a long time (and the fact that it’s against the Photoshop file format makes me life, since I work in that format every day). Observe (in case he changes his code):

At this point, I’d like to take a moment to speak to you about the Adobe PSD format. PSD is not a good format. PSD is not even a bad format. Calling it such would be an insult to other bad formats, such as PCX or JPEG. No, PSD is an abysmal format. Having worked on this code for several weeks now, my hate for PSD has grown to a raging fire that burns with the fierce passion of a million suns. If there are two different ways of doing something, PSD will do both, in different places. It will then make up three more ways no sane human would think of, and do those too. PSD makes inconsistency an art form. Why, for instance, did it suddenly decide that *these* particular chunks should be aligned to four bytes, and that this alignement should *not* be included in the size? Other chunks in other places are either unaligned, or aligned with the alignment included in the size. Here, though, it is not included. Either one of these three behaviours would be fine. A sane format would pick one. PSD, of course, uses all three, and more. Trying to get data out of a PSD file is like trying to find something in the attic of your eccentric old uncle who died in a freak freshwater shark attack on his 58th birthday. That last detail may not be important for the purposes of the simile, but at this point I am spending a lot of time imagining amusing fates for the people responsible for this Rube Goldberg of a file format. Earlier, I tried to get a hold of the latest specs for the PSD file format. To do this, I had to apply to them for permission to apply to them to have them consider sending me this sacred tome. This would have involved faxing them a copy of some document or other, probably signed in blood. I can only imagine that they make this process so difficult because they are intensely ashamed of having created this abomination. I was naturally not gullible enough to go through with this procedure, but if I had done so, I would have printed out every single page of the spec, and set them all on fire. Were it within my power, I would gather every single copy of those specs, and launch them on a spaceship directly into the sun. PSD is not my favourite file format.

Time Killer For The Evening

Tri Towers Solitaire is a fun take on Tri Peaks, and is a great little time killer. Thanks Mark for the link.

While I’m Not Doing Anything On Twitter…

I was still on there before Oprah. Who were you on twitter before (I’m sure everybody was on there before me)?

CNBC’s Jim Goldman Is An Idiot

CNBC’s Silicon Valley Bureau Chief Jim Goldman apparently thinks Macs come with Photoshop, and that PCs need $600 extra to perform as well as a Mac (ideas which he blatantly took from this Business Week article, without credit). He also throws about a bunch of other lies, and recommends Geek Squad (which pretty much shoots his credibility in the toilet with me).

I’ll quote the Giz and this exactly sums up my thoughts about this:

Look, there are some valid reasons to pick a Mac over a PC, just like there are valid reasons to pick a PC over a Mac. But you shouldn’t smear blatant horses**t all over them, especially when it’s already confusing enough for regular people, your audience, Mr. CNBC Silicon Valley Bureau Chief.

I really should’ve stuck with technology reporting like I considered doing out of college with my fancy-pants degree, but I was married and had a kid before I graduated, so paying the bills immediately was of primary concern. While I have a great deal of respect for (most) reporters, money-makers most of them are not.

Laziness Prevails!

OK, I’ll admit: I’m stealing every one of these links, headlines and some of the descriptions from past b3ta newsletters that I’ve just now gotten around to reading. I’m nursing a cold that’s kicking my butt (and the heat outside isn’t helping), so here’s to being lazy and stealing content (seriously, though, the b3ta newsletter, and the site in generally, is hilarious — go read it).

Bandwidth Suck Time

Time to dump some videos (all after the jump — and there are quite a few of them):


Oprah Is On Twitter

And leave it to Shaq to tell her what’s up.