Month: January 2008

Amazing Wrestling Move

I’m not a huge fan of wrestling, but this is a pretty slick move this guy has:

How Many Ways Are There To Get To First Base?

Apparently there are 23.

“Is there any kind of like…video rental store but for books?”

I really hope this is a joke (mirrored below) as it’d be really sad if this person had never heard of a library.


The Bible…

…according to Google Earth.

Below, Moses parting the Red sea.


BendWebCon 2 Is Tomorrow — Anybody going?

If you didn’t know, BendWebCon2 is tomorrow. I’ve been given the blessing by my boss to go attend, so I will be there tomorrow. Is anybody else planning on attending? Does anybody know if they’ll have WiFi?

Don’t Mess With Chuck Norris

You better not mess Chuck Norris — if you put him in a blender than can pretty much destroy everything, he’ll come out with nary a scratch:

If you’ve never seem them, the Will It Blend commercials are hilarious.

Stupidly Addicting Game For The Day

If you want to actually accomplish anything the rest of the day, don’t play this game. Damn you kottke (and indirectly, tien).

Why Do The Cool Folks Always Come To The Office On My Days Off?

One perk about working for a vacation rental company that has a good selection of higher-end homes is that you have a tendency to attract higher-end clientèle. The interest folks never seem to visit while I’m at the office however, like a couple of pro athletes that made an appearance recently.

Like a couple weekends ago, former Olympic skier Picabo Street paid a visit to Mavericks (sorry about the cheap plug, but how else are you going to know what the facility is?). She’s apparently doing some work with Resort Sports Network, and they were doing a feature on Central Oregon and skiing in the area. Or something. Really, I have no idea since, again, I wasn’t frickin’ here. I do know that she looks she’s still all muscle and in great shape. They got here to ride the Flowrider at Mavericks, and somebody managed to get a some pictures of her. Here are a couple:

Picabo Street 014.jpg  Picabo Street 038.jpg

Yeah, she could still kick your butt.

Speaking of people that could kick your butt, this last weekend MMA stud Randy Couture stayed in one of our homes. He was staying as a guest of the owner of this particular house, so nobody really knew he was coming until he came in to pay for the reservation. Again, I wasn’t frickin’ here. The front desk managed to get a couple pictures with our crappy camera (our good digital camera was in use) so these are out of focus and blurry — I sharpened them in Photoshop the best I could. The one of the left is our carpet cleaning guy (and big MMA/UFC fan) doing the ready to rumble pose with Randy and the one on the left is Randy with our front desk manager:

Randy-Couture-Visit-in-Janu2.jpg  Randy-Couture-Visit-in-Janu.jpg

And, sadly, it was my day off, so I couldn’t at least get some better pictures. I don’t know a thing about MMA or UFC, but apparently the guy’s fairly popular. Carpet guy raved for a while about meeting the guy, so he’s obviously got some fans. Feed Fixed (Finally)

OK, after playing with it off and on over the last couple days, I’ve finally gotten the syndication feed totally fixed. In the process, I’ve setup the main RSS feed for the site to go through FeedBurner. While the old URL will still work (for the future, at least), I’ve setup a new URL for the RSS feed so I can (if need be) change back-end platforms and not have to have a new RSS feed URL.

The new RSS URL for is I’m still working on getting the autodiscovery tags setup properly on the site as well as the redirection code so that everybody will be using that URL, but here it is in the meanwhile.

I’ve also setup a few ways you can show local blog content on your web site, if you’d like. There is more information on all that on Bend Blog’s new syndication page. So if you’d like, you can have a simple little headline ticker like so:

Latest From

(I am working on tweaking those a bit — suggestions welcome.)

I’ll be setting up a daily e-mail, too (powered by FeedBurner) that will send daily headlines via e-mail, if you so desire. RSS/Atom Feed Is Messed Up

Just an FYI to anybody who cares: For some reason, the RSS/Atom feed for Bend Blogs is totally hosed. The feed has always had 200 items (which is about three days worth of blogging around Central Oregon). The problem is that for some reason it’s only getting 200 entries, sorted alphabetically — which means it’s only getting up to about the letter “K” or so. Long story short, it’s messed up, and I’ll work on it when I get some more free time. But it certainly explains why my site never got listed on the RSS feed.

Update: OK, I’ve sort of narrowed down what it’s doing. It’s taking the first 100 blogs (alphabetically) over there, and push the latest two entries from each of those blogs, regardless of how old they are. I have an open thread on the Gregarius forums, so hopefully that will get some responses.

Update on 1/27 at 10:40PM: Finally found the problem. It ended up being a misconfiguration in Gregarius. The feed works, but I’m working on tweaking it, and will be also be hooking it up through FeedBurner so that it’s a permanent URL, should I ever change back-end systems on I’ll post the new feed URL tomorrow, and will see if I can get all of the feed URLs through FeedBurner. More tomorrow after I get some sleep as my daughter was ill last night and I’m tired.