Month: November 2007

Upcoming Concerts

I plug these concerts pretty much every time we have one, but I have no idea if I’m actually getting anybody to come to the concerts. But you still have to hear the plug. I won’t bore you with details, but if you’re interested in listening to some great concert band music, come join us this Sunday or Monday for some free concerts.

And on a semi-related note, if you have a some cash, the band is always looking for donations as we all have to pay tuition to play in the band and have other expenses as well. Come enjoy the concert, and you’ll see it’s worth.

What A Horrible Name

The guy’s name is “Pheuk Kue” and, in case that wasn’t bad enough, he’s a convicted sex offender. Link via Fark

Stupid Time Killer For The Day

Disneyland welcome sign generator where you can make fun signs like this (more hilarious examples here):


Feel free to e-mail me your sign ideas and (as long as they’re not direct copies of something from Fark), I’ll link them or post them here (just save the image and email it to me — utterlyboring [at] gmail [dot] com).

Update: Here are a couple submissions from Greg:


Another Reason To Avoid Vista

As I’ve mentioned several times before, there is no reason whatsoever to have Vista right now, especially if you value the performance of your PC. And now, with beta version of SP3 for XP and SP1 for Vista, XP is still kicking Vista’s butt.

No matter what you do, fight for XP when you buy a new system. Microsoft has committed to sell Windows XP until at least June so the systems are still available.

That Was Fun

If you’re wondering why I didn’t post anything yesterday, read on…


Aussies Love Their Beer

I’ve already shown at least one Aussie beer commericial, so Ben sends along this compilation of 10 other great ones:

Frustrating Game for The Evening

I got to level 15 25 32 37 of this before I was so miffed that I had to quit.

Update: OK, I really need to quit playing this…

If You Thought The Alfred Hitchcock Version Was Scary…

…just watch this Psycho shower-scene remake.

Those tubers are evil, man.

Injustice For The Day

Remember those moron police officers who told everybody that there was really strong evidence against the Duke Lacrosse players? They just got promoted.

Have A Happy Turkey Day

Hope everybody has a safe and happy Thanksgiving tomorrow. I’ll be at home, avoiding the zillions of tourists in the area and gorging myself on all the food, as well as trying to catch back up on some sleep I haven’t gotten in weeks. No, I don’t plan on going shopping at the crack of dawn on Friday, either, as I have better things to do with my time — like sleep. Have I mentioned I need sleep?