I have no idea who this woman is or if this blog is totally fake, but it sure it funny. Some quotes:
From here:
There are also stories about poor people, homeless people, etc. No one wants to read that. And please, there are no poor people in Bend! We keep our poor people in Redmond and LaPine. They have their own poor-people communities there and I’m sure they’re very happy. It’s a marvelous system we have in Central Oregon.
And from here:
Recently, Bend (indeed, my little Awbrey Butte neighborhood) made it onto the cover of the Wall Street Journal. It was very exciting. My neighbor Joan Grundeman was even quoted in it. She’s a wonderful woman with an impeccable house. Some part-time nurse had strung up clotheslines to dry her sheets. Can you imagine? Clotheslines on Awbrey Butte? That’s quite below us. We can all afford driers (and believe me–the best driers) on Awbrey Butte.
The blog’s only been up a few days, and I have no idea who Sally Heatherton is (she only appears on google from some local blogs, including my own as she posted a comment here), Can’t find anything on Google, about her and her real estate business, nor is there anything on the Dex white pages nor are there local property records with that last name (that could be her maiden name, however). She’s also not listed with the State as a real estate agent.
Whoever’s writing the blog is hilarious. It’s amazing how silly/stupid/satirical it reads. But it made me laugh. Any theories?
Update: One thing I forgot to check. She posted a comment here on the above clothesline article and she also e-mailed me to add her to bendblogs.com using the submission form on that site. Both submissions were filtered through an anonymous proxy. Well played, “Sally.”