Month: August 2007

Stuff For Sale

If you have kids, or need a good desk for a geek, I have a couple of Craigslist ads here and here.

Isn’t Her 15 Minutes Up Yet?

We’ve all seen the Miss S.C. Teen USA and her bumbling of the geography question on the show (if you haven’t, watch this). She’s since been making the talk show circuit, and now has a geography pop quiz video on On the bright side, at least she’s laughing about her flub. But her 15 minutes are up now.

Not News: Man Gets Busted For Driving Drunk

News: He has no legs.

Why it’s here? There was another guy on the floor controlling the pedals, who was also drunk, and both were busted. The man without leg’s defense? He wasn’t actually operating the truck because he couldn’t push the gas pedal, so he couldn’t have been “driving drunk.”

Microsoft Forces Shutdown Of Autopatcher

If you haven’t used Autopatcher, you’ve really missed out on a great way to keep multiple computer up-to-date (especially if you’re like me and work on brand-new computers on a regular basis that need patching). Like right now, I’m setting up a new Windows XP machine for the office, and was trying to get Autopatcher installed as my copy is a few months old. But I couldn’t, as Microsoft has sent a cease-and-desist notice to the Autopatcher folks, so you’ll no longer find downloads or updates to the pack on their site.

Truly a sad day, indeed. Google cache still has the download page, but many of the links don’t work as they go to NeoWin’s forums, where the project originally lived. You can find it here, and torrents here, but probably not for long.

I’m sure this is a ploy by Microsoft to convince people to start using their clunky services more or to try to move people in the corporate world to their Update Services systems. Thanks, Microsoft, but if I’m going to get an automated patch solution, I’ll use Net-Chk Protect.

Want To Lower Your Tax Bill?

Just find a way to pay yourself rent. That’s how Wal-Mart did it.

Drama At Burning Man

Somebody set fire to The Man early. Simone’s down there right now, probably following this mess. They’ve caught the guy who did it, and his mugshot is priceless.

Good Thing I Was In The Drive Up Window

I was in the drive-up window picking up my order at the north Burger King here in Bend when several police officers came flying into the parking lot and two stepped out on foot with guns drawn behind my van, looking behind the dumpster area at the fast food joint. I immediately locked my doors and rolled up my windows. I cracked them back down and I asked the Burger King lady what was going on, and they say they had just been robbed at gunpoint, and asked me if I’d seen anything. I hadn’t. Which is too bad because the guy got away on foot, according to this story and it would’ve helped had I seen something.

If I was inside getting my order (which I would’ve done had there been a car or two in the drive-up), I would’ve been in there at the same time as the guy. A scary thought, indeed.

I was kind of shaken by the whole thing and drove off without my drink. Oh well.

But from now on, I’m doing drive-up when I go to a fast food place after dark, no questions asked.

Akismet Hates Me

I don’t know what it is, but Akismet, the popular comment and spam blocking service that’s in use on tons of blogs, hates me. So far, my various simple comments on Greg’s blog, Aaron’s blog, and two of Jon’s blogs have all been marking me as spam, causing my comments to get totally lost, never to be found, or get moderated to be found eventually. I run Akismet on this site as well, and it’s been marking me as spam, too (though I’ve white-listed myself so my other spam filters automatically will override Akismet).

The authors of those sites have since been marking me as “Not Spam” in their respective systems (dasBlog, WordPress, and Jon’s homebrew system) to try to reverse that. I always use the same e-mail address (my first name [at] orty [dot] com) and URL (this site) when posting comments, but somehow I still get marked as spam.

I’ll e-mail the Akismet folks, but I just wanted to post this here for folks whose blogs I might have commented on in recent weeks: check your junk/moderation area to make sure I’m not in there.

If I Needed A Lawyer In Colorado

I’d hire this guy in a heartbeat:

Kevin, a Shareholder practicing in Otten Johnson’s real estate group, was raised by penguins following a childhood boating accident. He graduated magna cum laude from Colby College, where he learned that not all issues can be reduced to black or white. He received his law degree from Boston University, which he attended on a full football scholarship through an administrative error. Thereafter, he worked for four years as an associate at a large law firm in New York, where he once rode an elevator to the top of the Empire State Building. He lectures frequently to his children on a variety of subjects. He enjoys swimming and fishing, despite the painful memories.


Update at 4:15 (after working on this for several hours now): I found out the problem, so I don’t need help anymore. Long story short, there was a function that was failing, throwing a false return back and causing the rest of the code to not be executed completly. I basically had to go through the code line-by-line to figure that out, but it works. Original request is after the jump.
