Month: March 2007

It All Comes Down To The Last Game

Last year, by this point in the tournament, we had thing wrapped up, and the last game was being played just for fun. However, this year, the last game will decide the winner. If Ohio State wins, “shots hot” will win. If Florida takes it, “Scott’s Mad Dribblerz” will take it. So Monday night, this thing will be all wrapped up, and prizes will be going to the winner.

Here are the scores before Monday night’s final game:

  • shots hot: 132
  • Scott’s Mad Dribblerz: 126
  • Rusty from Portland: 121
  • Coz’s Bracket: 119
  • goldenglove7624: 119
  • monkeyinabox: 116
  • Repeating Greatness: 114
  • bend no more: 114
  • whiteybarkley: 114
  • #1 bracket: 109
  • bojack: 109
  • Reigning Dud: 107
  • jaylee: 106
  • casual picks: 102
  • MN Shivs: 99
  • GO GATORS!!: 99
  • PLU_STATS_231_2: 98
  • Bowser: 97
  • jenB_goDucks!: 95
  • Tasmanian Devils: 94
  • Briar Patch Project: 86
  • steph: 83
  • I can’t think of a name: 83
  • Canadian Bacon: 79
  • Jake’s ’07 Pick ’em: 79
  • kandray’s bracket: 75
  • HEELSTAR: 70
  • shlid: 48
  • Bretigny: 42

After the game on Monday, I’ll post the final scores, along with a graph showing the scoring progression (if Ohio State wins, I’ll be moving up some spots), and will be contacting the winners and putting them in touch with the prize-providers (thanks again to everybody, including Paizano’s Pizza, coming soon in Baker City, as well as Jake’s Diner here in Bend, along with last year’s winner Brad, for providing prizes).

Best Way To Describe Net Neutrality

Craig Newmark, founder of craigslist, describes the issue perfectly:

Most Americans believe that if you play fair and work hard, you’ll get ahead. But this notion is threatened by legislation passed Thursday night by the U.S. House of Representatives that would allow Internet service providers to play favorites among different Web sites.

Here’s a real world example that shows how this would work. Let’s say you call Joe’s Pizza and the first thing you hear is a message saying you’ll be connected in a minute or two, but if you want, you can be connected to Pizza Hut right away. That’s not fair, right? You called Joe’s and want some Joe’s pizza. Well, that’s how some telecommunications executives want the Internet to operate, with some Web sites easier to access than others. For them, this would be a money-making regime.

Thanks kottke for the link.

More Oddball Commercials

While the gun rental commercial ranks up there as one of the weirdest commercials I’ve seen, this whole series of 10 second commercials from the Krass Brothers has to be right up there, too (and I still don’t know what the heck they sell)…


Want To Drive From NYC To Dublin (Or From Bend to London)?

If you ask for directions via Google Maps, they’ll tell you to swim (screenshot below in case it gets changed):


Link via Kottke.

Update: Upon experimenting a bit, it looks like it works for many US and European cities — in case you wanted to drive from Bend to London

It’s Going To Be A Late Night

I came into work late today with the intention of doing some work on our servers here that required me to shut down the office while I do it, so I was just going to stay late tonight, after-hours, to do it. Basically, I’m just installing some additional hard drives on our file sever and setting up a new RAID array, as our SCSI drives are basically full (installing a server-grade SATA card instead, as SATA drives are much cheaper and larger capacity). No sooner than ten minutes after I walk in, people starting complaining that things are freezing up (we’re on a Citrix Metaframe setup so when something freezes, it generally affects everybody, which sucks but the boss but budgets don’t allow replacement/upgrades at this point).

So I go upstairs, and the file server that I had planned on working tonight is totally unresponsive. And since many of the profiles and some of the applications (like our cludgy DOS-based reservation system) that Citrix uses are on that server, it was causing things to freak out all around. So I reboot the the file server, and find the problem: one of the two drives in the systems main RAID1 array died.

Thankfully it was in an array, otherwise we’d be screwed right now, but I don’t like sitting here with no redundancy on our reservation data. Since it’s an old server (Compaq Proliant 800 1600 — I forgot we had an old front bezel on the thing, but it is indeed a 1600), finding the same hard drive requires a trip to eBay, where I found somebody that could overnight one for me.

Meanwhile, I’m hoping and praying that nothing else dies on the system (like the boot drive) before the new one gets here on Friday. I’d almost considered making the new SATA array the boot array, but I have a feeling that’s going to be a bigger nightmare than it’s worth (I’d rather keep data and boot on separate drives anyway, which was my reason for setting this up). But if I can at least get the data onto the new array, I can sleep better tonight knowing that I have a bit of redundancy (and yes, I do have off-site backups, but I never like to dig into backups — I’d rather just have things keep running without issue).

Than after I get all that crap up and going again, I have to rebuild the database for the aforementioned reservation system, which is always loads of fun. Basically, just hit a button, and wait until it’s done (and watch as a bunch of ASCII characters scroll down the screen).

Hopefully tonight will go smoother than the last time I did major work on these servers (which are really past their prime, but our boss is too cheap to replace them because he doesn’t seem to understand how much technology is used in this office).

Update at10:30: Went mostly smooth until I tried to reboot the system once I had the new card and drives formatted and array setup and data copied: Non System Disk Error. The thing was detecting the SATA card I added in (a Promise TX4310) and trying to boot from it instead of the SCSI card already in the system. I tried re-ordering the cards, telling the BIOs that it was supposed to boot from the SCSI card, but everytime I put back in the Promise card, it was trying to read off it, and refused to read the SCSI card. Lovely. So I’m taking the Promise card out, recreating the share on the old drive, and hopefully will get this figured out in the morning. People are going to be able to function, and that’s really all that matters.

But in the meantime, does anybody have any experience with these types of add-in cards and this particular server?

Update again: Just for giggles, I looked at the original product description and reviews on NewEgg, and it looks like people had issues with this card — if you don’t upgrade the BIOS. So I’ll have to upgrade the BIOS, me thinks, for this to work properly.

Update again the next day: My other employer had an extra SCSI drive as they use the same servers, and I didn’t know they had spares, so I’ll be taking this spare and giving him my other one when I get it.

Another Company For Best Buy to Flush Down The Toilet

The Geek Squad used to be a good company until they were bought up by Best Buy, and I have a feeling that the same fate awaits Speakeasy. Link via Consumerist.

Hacking John McCain

This is why you should not only avoid stealing layouts without credit, but you should certainly copy images to your own server.

Snarky Bend Is No More

I’m sure we all remember SnarkyBend, the anonymous blogger who was constantly poking fun at KTVZ, KFXO and other media and locals in general. He was a voice for free speech in the area, basically saying some of the things we’ve all really thought, and I always supported him/her/it. It was always an entertaining read, but whoever was running it quit posting content quite a while ago, and the blog is now officially gone, replaced with a spam-blog.

Snarky, are you still out there? Care to share what happened to you? If you need another place to post your rants, you’ve welcome to an account here anytime.

You can still read excepts from his posts over at the archive.

Is Volvo Trying To Make Drivers Dumber?

Has anybody else seen the Volvo S80 commercials that tout their new fancy safety features? In reality, they are just making it easier for people to drive like morons.

I can’t find a link to these videos anywhere, but there are a couple commercials that strike me as off. One has a woman driving the Volvo with a pile of file folders on her passenger seat. Something causes a couple of the folders to come off the seat onto the floor. So instead of waiting until she’s stopped to get the folders off the floor, she continues driving and leans down to pick her folders. Her head is below her windshield so she obviously can’t see or isn’t even remotely watching the road in front of her. Thankfully the car is smarter than she is, and its collision detection system kicks it, makes an awful noise to warn her and gets the car ready to brake, saving her (and her files) just in time.

The second commercial shows a guy driving down a freeway. In the commercial, the guy nearly changes lanes right into the motorcycle in the lane next to him, something he could’ve avoided if a) he’d been paying attention to traffic as he’s going down the freeway), b) actually turned his head before changing lanes, like you’re supposed to do (everybody remembers that part of driver’s ed., right?) or c) he had his mirrors adjusted so blind spots weren’t as big of an issue. But he avoids the accident because of the “Blind Spot Information System” (which, for all I can tell, is a little red light on the mirror that lights up when you’re about to clobber somebody).

Now don’t get me wrong — these are all great safety features, and these are nice cars (I’d drive one if someone gave me one), but my worry is that this is going to teach drivers to rely on these features instead of just flat-out paying attention while they’re driving. They should be a supplement for a driver, not a replacement for common sense.

(Edited: Fixed a couple of stupid typos.)

Round Four Is Over

The Final Four of Ohio State, Georgetown, Florida, and UCLA has been set. It’s stupidly late right now, and I’m really tired (why I’m still up, I have no idea), so I’ll posted the updated tournament scores tomorrow.

Update on 3/26: Here are the updated standings:

  • Coz’s Bracket: 103
  • goldenglove7624: 103
  • shots hot: 100
  • monkeyinabox: 100
  • Repeating Greatness: 98
  • bend no more: 98
  • whiteybarkley: 98
  • jenB_goDucks!: 95
  • Scott’s Mad Dribblerz: 94
  • #1 bracket: 93
  • bojack: 93
  • Reigning Dud: 91
  • jaylee: 90
  • Rusty from Portland: 89
  • Briar Patch Project: 86
  • casual picks: 86
  • MN Shivs: 83
  • GO GATORS!!: 83
  • steph: 83
  • PLU_STATS_231_2: 82
  • Bowser: 81
  • Canadian Bacon: 79
  • Tasmanian Devils: 78
  • kandray’s bracket: 75
  • HEELSTAR: 70
  • I can’t think of a name: 67
  • Jake’s ’07 Pick ’em: 63
  • shlid: 48
  • Bretigny: 42