Month: December 2006

Is anybody else going to fall asleep before Midnight tonight?

I probably will. I’m not a huge fan of the fanfare around this holiday for a variety of reasons (some personal ones that I’m not going to go into here), but mostly I haven’t slept well for a couple of weeks. I’ll probably just play with my new DS Lite a bit (haven’t had a chance to play with it much) and then crash well before midnight. I have to work tomorrow, so that’s a partial motivator. So we’re just having a couple friends over to play some board games, and then I’m probably going to crash.

Anybody else going to fall asleep before midnight?

Regardless, I hope everybody has a happy and safe holiday, and please, please, please call a cab if you’ve had more than a couple drinks. I don’t care how coherent you think you are and how fine you think you’ll be, you won’t end up hurting yourself, you’ll hurt somebody else (read between the lines there and you’ll know why I’m not a huge fan of the holiday).

Here are the local numbers for the local taxi companies. Print them up and bring them with you wherever you party tonight (all area code 541 if you’re from out of town reading this):

  • Bend Cab Co: 389-8090
  • City Cab: 385-3304
  • Owl Taxi: 382-3311
  • Redmond Taxi: 548-1182
  • Yellow Cab Co.: 330-1600

And remember, it’s better safe than sorry.

Search 60 Video Sharing Sites At Once

YouTube, for all it’s successes and content, succombs to the copyright police quite a bit and pulls videos off their site. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t find it elsewhere — and this little tool will make it a ton easier.

You Want To Know How Screwed Up Our Government Is?

At one point, the FBI considered the Christmas classic It’s A Wonderful Life to be Communist propaganda.

Web Development and Design Link Dump

This might not be too helpful for a lot of the people that read this site, but I know some of this stuff will be handy for some, and I want to have it bookmarked just the same.

OK, now just have to get into the rest of my flagged links in my new RSS reader.

Update on 1/1: Added a few more to the list that I found sitting in another bookmarks folder.

Complete Lego Set Instructions Collection

Somebody obviously has far too much time on their hands as they were able to create this massive collection of complete instructions for every Lego set ever made. I might have to dig my crate of Legos out of my closet now.

The New Adobe CS3 Suite Icons Were Announced…

…and boy are they boring and utterly worthless.

Moron For The Day

Just for future reference: it’s a bad idea to light fireworks in your car, especially when they’re basically a quarter stick of dynamite.

Amazing Feat of Dining Room Engineering

These things are just amazing.

It is a circular table which, when rotated at its outer perimeter, doubles its seating capacity, yet astonishingly remains truly circular.

The expansion leaves are stored within the table and, in just four seconds, smoothly and quickly emerge upon rotation, rising and radially expanding outwards as the entire top is turned through 30°. Existing tables can seat six persons when small, and twelve or more when expanded, but there are other design possibilities.

Be sure to watch the videos of these undoubtedly expensive tables in action.

Don’t Want To Give Away Your Real Phone Number?

Worried that the guy at the bar that’s hitting on you might not work out, but still want to give him a chance? Or want to list something for sale online but don’t want to give out your home phone number? Give out a craigsnumber, and auto-expiring free phone number. They have local numbers for a bunch of major metro areas (I wouldn’t expect Bend to appear on that list any time soon).

Sweet Line Rider Video

Remember that stupidly addictive line rider game I linked to as well videos people made with it? Well here are a few more amazing ones:
