Month: February 2006

Note To Self: Don’t Joke About Meth Habit Within Earshot of Rent-a-Cop

I know that’s an obvious headline, but anybody who knows me knows I’m a very sarcastic, outspoken person. It’s occasionally been known to bite me in the butt.

I generally got to the same grocery store here in Bend because their food is bar far the cheapest. I know the folks there, they all know me. I went there tonight in hopes of getting some Sudafed for my wife, who is having sinus problems related to her allergies. They no longer sell it at the store, because they were told they had to get rid of it in preparation for the pending move to require a prescription for the drug (one of the stupidest ideas I’ve ever heard — so I have to go pay a $25 co-pay to get a 3-buck drug? No thanks I’ll buy it online). So I, obviously jokingly, said to my cashier friend there (when asking about the location of the pills) “How else am I going to cook up my meth and feed my crack habit?” The cashier laughed, but the rent-a cop kept following me around the store — subtly, but he was certainly keeping an eye on me, like I was just going to go nuts and start killing people because I didn’t get my fix.

Yes, meth is certainly a serious problem, and while I know that, I now know better than to joke about my decongestant of choice. I’ll just go to Costco and buy the bucketload of it before they get rid of it, too.

Wish I Thought Of This

Shannon‘s Husband’s killer collection of local shirt designs makes my feeble attempt seem pretty lame. Oh that’s right, because it is.

My personal favorites have to be this one, this one, this one, and this one, though I think the last one would be better with a cartoon-type drawing of Bob Shaw right on it.

We Could Only Hope

After Apple CEO Steve Jobs becomes Disney’s largest individual shareholder (after Disney completes it deal to buy Pixar), Apple could make a bid to buy Disney. Man, if we could only be so lucky…

Coming To Playboy

Girls Of MySpace (Obviously Not Safe For Work).

The Ultimate Computer Desk

While these are pretty sweet workstations, I think having the computer built into the desk would be pretty dang sweet.

Home Improvement Craziness

My parents, for many years, have always given us gifts of labor (my parents working, not hiring anybody) and materials for projects around the house that we are tremendously grateful for. My dad’s a contractor, and is good at a lot of things and does the bulk majority of the hard stuff (with my mom just making sure he keeps on task). Just the same, they helped us get this giant shed in our backyard moved to a better place so we could lay down a patio in its place. They helped us put up crown molding and paint our bedroom. They’ve helped us with a bunch of little things around the house.

The thing is, they’ll say they’re going to do something, and we have no idea when it’s actually going to be done. This isn’t a problem, generally, as they’re being generous, and we’re in no hurry for things. What usually happens is that they’ll just randomly call, out of the blue, and decide they’re going to come over and work on it. That’s what happened yesterday…


Who Are These Folks?

Has anybody ever heard of The Bend Weekly? Simone came across a job posting for them on Craigslist, and it looks like they’re looking for a graphics guy, too (though I don’t know how comfortable I’d be applying if you’re like me and have a family to feed — I don’t know about the longevity or pay). The thing is, despite their claim of “approximate readership is 31,200”, I’ve never once seen their weekly printed edition.

Anybody know anything about this?

Writers Versus Editors

In the long run, the editors always win. Thanks Barn for the link.

Google Introduces Web Page Creator

And, naturally, accounts are closed on the new service so I don’t know much about the service other than what other folks say. But it looks like it might be poised as a MySpace knockoff, but I can’t really tell. Anybody actually played with the thing?

What Was The Number One Song When You Were Born?

Apparently mine was “With a Little Luck” by Paul McCartney & Wings. What was yours? Thanks Dave for the link.