Month: December 2005

Horribly Dated Link Dump

I’ve had these links flagged in my RSS reader for quite a while, and I just need to get them out of there before I go nuts with a bunch of six-month-old links sitting there:

That’s enough for now. I’ve got many more, but it’s late, and this shoud keep you busy for a bit. Many of the above links are from

The 61 Second Minute

This New Years eve at just before 4PM Pacific Time (midnight GMT), an extra second will be added to the atomic clock. So what are you going to do with the extra time? Al asked his family and his wife said he could kiss her and son said they’d pet the dog.

Idiot Crook For The Day

If you’re going to print counterfeit bills on your printer, solve printer jams yourself and don’t send the thing out for repair still loaded with fakes (yes, I know the link’s over a month old — I’m a bit back logged on my flagged links).

Futurama May Make A Return

I know this news is over a week old, but that doesn’t mean it wouldn’t be totally cool.

The City of “UNDATED, Ore.”

The National Weather Service issued high wind warnings for the Central Oregon coast. And according to the dateline of the story, we need to be sure we avoid the city “UNDATED” as that’s where the story was written.

Pays to filter (or actually read) your AP feeds, folks, as anybody who has worked in a newsroom knows, AP feeds notoriously have issues like this. It’s not the first time it’s happened.

Local Meatloaf Hits The National Wire

The Blacksmith’s Meatloaf is famous thanks to an article on the AP wire (my guess is somebody down there knew a reporter who owed them a favor). I’ve never been to the place and have no motivation to after hearing from several people I know that it’s totally overrated.

Something I’d Do If I Had More Time

That, and a bunch of tools, but I’d certainly build myself a MAME cabinet using the well-done plans and instructions here.

The FTC Is Smoking Crack

I have a hard time believe that these idiots truly believe that the Can-Spam act is actually working. They obviously don’t live in the real world with the rest of us. Thanks computerwolf for the tip.

It’s About Stinking Time

The next version of windows (aka Windows Vista) will not only have system-wide volume control, but you can now set it on a per-application basis. That’s something that I’m immensely looking forward to, as there are some players (**cough**cough**Quicktime**cough**cough) that make it a point to jack the volume all the way up every time you open it, no matter what it’s been set at before.

Thanks Barn for the link.

Obligatory Post-Christmas Post

I’m stupidly busy at the office today dealing with getting all our homes ready for the onslaught of folks we have coming in this afternoon. Meanwhile, here’s a list of some of the things I received for Christmas (and you’re welcome to post what you got in the comments below). I’m putting this in an extended entry for those who really don’t give a rip what the family and I got or how I spent my weekend.
