Month: April 2004

Update on the Honda Rube Goldberg Ad

A year ago, one of the most creative commercials I’ve ever seen hit the ‘net. I won’t get into the details for those who haven’t seen it (just download it here), but rumors ran rampant that the commercial was computer generated, took 600+ takes, etc… . A Wieden and Kennedy employee (W&K made the ad) put the rumors to rest in his comment on this article (scroll to the very bottom). Link via Waxy.

Focus on the Pattern

And look what you’ll see (possibly NSFW, depending on where you work).

Student newspaper interviews Jack Valenti

And reporter absolutely drilled the MPAA chief. Brilliant interview.

Politicians and Pundits are Full of Crap

And now there’s a site that proves it. Granted, the site’s got a one-sided political bent to it, but it’s still pretty handy. The Center for American Progress has launched the Claim vs. Fact database project to chart conservatives’ dishonesty and compare it with the truth. In this database, each conservative quote will be matched against well-documented facts, so that users can get a more accurate picture of the issues. They’re also taking submissions (I wonder if they reject it if it’s a Democratic flub?). Link via Barney.

A 7000% return on investment?!?

That’s what this guy is trying to pull off. He plans on starting with $14 and in one year turn it into $1000 (deadline April 15, 2005). He decided to take it up as a personal challenge after a MeFi discussion pretty much said it’s impossible. I know I’ll be following his progress.

I might start watching baseball

Especially if they were to take a 3 hour baseball game and compress it into 8 minutes of hitting, running and fielding.

Google Files for IPO — Finally

They were pretty much forced into it, but I know if I had the money — which I don’t — I’d find a way to invest. Here’s CNN Money on it and a site dedicated to tracking the IPO (obviously not sponsored by Google).

Free sex for Iraq-bound soldiers?

Operation Take One For The Country is a movement of like-minded women (women predominantly as of right now) who have covertly organized into groups to frequent eating and drinking establishments near armed service bases where troops are preparing to ship out overseas. Their mission: To discretely provide US troops shipping out overseas with the most sensually pleasing departure possible. Via BB.

The low-carb craze is out of control

I saw mayonnaise at home has a sticker that says “Zero Carbs” on it (never mind that it’s got a bunch of cholesterol and fat), but now Coke is introducing a low-carb soda.

All you people out there who are trying to lose weight, diets like this aren’t going to help you — getting off your fat asses and exercising will. </rant>

Nice XP Box

I’ve used the term “box” to refer to computers on numerous occasions, but never did I mean it literally.