Month: August 2003

A three-year old with a blog

To quote the site:

This is an experimental blog by a three-year-old and his mom, to see how blogging helps a toddler learn by reading, writing (dictating), and recording his own history as it happens.

It’s actually a fun read, because I have a three-year old at home. To quote one entry:

My big Hulk hands make noise. They make “roar” sounds and say “crush” when I hit them together.

The Hulk is a little man who gets angry and gets Hulk hands. Then he turns green.

I want blue Hulk undies that turn green when I’m angry.

Fun stuff, and I hope that, if this site is indeed true, that the kid keeps a blog for quite a while, so we have a diary of the kid’s life.

The mom blogs a bit herself, and mentioned the site in a blog entry.

Thanks to nagging-typo-finder Barney for the link!

Santiam Pass is open — finally

It’s been closed for nearly two weeks now, but opened back up this morning at 9:00 AM. Does that mean we can send all the annoying tourists home so I don’t have to fear for my life as I drive through town? Please? No? Damn.

In other news…

Ken is still a spoiled little bitch — he’s going to go buy a Tungsten T2. Bastard. 😉

Congrats to Laura!

What were Britney Spears and Madonna thinking during that infamous kiss?

Salem girl, 13, knocks down a dozen or so headstones while learning to drive

Her mother was charged with driving under the influence of intoxicants and providing a vehicle to an unqualified driver. Full Story in the Statesman Journal. Link from Obscure.

What’s wrong with this image?

You click and decide (I just saw this on Yahoo!’s site):

(Hint: Look at the Lead Photo).

Nice (Free) firewall software

There are lots of freely available Linux-based router/firewalls packages out there, but I’ve been trying to find one that’s not only powerful, but really easy to use. Enter Smoothwall. This software, based on what I see here, is REALLY slick, powerful, well-documented, and free. Very nicely done. I think I’ll install this on an old PC I have sitting here and run it at home.

I like a good, big hamburger as much as anybody, but…

If I’m going to pay 20-bucks for a burger, it’ll be the 36oz bad-boy from Pilot Butte Drive-In, not a sixteen-patty gut bomb. I’m sure he felt good after eating that.

Weapons-grade uranium found in Iran

Full Story. So do you think President Bush blames the invasion of Iraq on typographical error? Link from Fark.