To quote the site:
This is an experimental blog by a three-year-old and his mom, to see how blogging helps a toddler learn by reading, writing (dictating), and recording his own history as it happens.
It’s actually a fun read, because I have a three-year old at home. To quote one entry:
My big Hulk hands make noise. They make “roar” sounds and say “crush” when I hit them together.
The Hulk is a little man who gets angry and gets Hulk hands. Then he turns green.
I want blue Hulk undies that turn green when I’m angry.
Fun stuff, and I hope that, if this site is indeed true, that the kid keeps a blog for quite a while, so we have a diary of the kid’s life.
The mom blogs a bit herself, and mentioned the site in a blog entry.
Thanks to nagging-typo-finder Barney for the link!