Sorry for posting this later than in actually happened, but coming across a ‘net connection wasn’t really a priority for me the last couple days (and I couldn’t sniff any wireless access points inside our cement-build room). But on July 27th at 4:07 PM, another Ortman joined the family: Michelle Naomi Ortman, all 7 pounds, 11 ounces, and 20.75-inches of her. She was actually a bit taller than Hannah, but 6 ounces lighter.
Hannah is really excited to be a big sister. We had a t-shirt made for her that said “I’m a Big Sister” that we gave her on Sunday, and she was really excited about that.
The labor went really well for Lydia, much quicker and less work than Hannah’s. And since Lydia barely lost any blood and things went so well, nobody bugged us all night long so we could actually get some sleep. But I couldn’t be more impressed with Lydia. My wife is awesome! 🙂
Anyway, pictures are coming as soon as I get them developed and scanned (which will probably be at least a week). I’m off work until Sunday, but I’ll still try to blog periodically between cat-naps.