Just an FYI, I’ll be back updating tomorrow. I was off work on Monday/Tuesday, and I usually update this more when I’m at work checking my email more often (as most of my submissions come via e-mail so e-mail me at [email protected]). Generally, I am off work on Tuesdays/Wednesdays, but maybe I can convince Gregg to post more during those days to keep you entertained.
Month: December 2002
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And you thought he was just a lifeguard
He’s also a really crappy musician. David Hasselhoff, of Baywatch fame, has a CD. And the reviews are priceless (all 500 of ’em). They’re all fake, obviously, but if you have an hour or five to kill, you will roll off your chair reading them.
Good lord that’s fast!
Haile Gebrselassie of Ethiopia (don’t ask me to pronounce it) broke the world record in the 10-K road race, winning a cool $1-million, clocking in at 27:11 (which is still a minute slower than he’s done on the track). Generally, Geb usually does track races (holding the world record in the 5,000 and 10,000), but obviously money talks. But the guy can run twomiles in 8 minutes, 3 miles in 12:12 (and he did that en-route to his 5,000 world record).
Let’s see, the best I’ve ever run in a 10K on the road was 33:40 or so — so he would’ve finished a mile-and-a-half ahead of me, on my BEST day. Yikes that’s fast.
Tourists can kiss my a**…
…if they didn’t pay my paycheck. Driving to Sunriver this morning was as dangerous as it’s ever been. Just because you have a big ol’ expensive SUV doesn’t mean you can drive 80mph on a skating rink. If you didn’t know, Bend and Sunriver got a good chunk of snow and ice over night. Not only did I get passed on the parkway by some Californian going 60 (when everybody else was going about 30, because it was a sheet of ice out there), but I nearly plowed into one who didn’t bother to look both ways and just ran right through the stop sign. After I swerved to avoid him, he just kind of politely waved a finger at me as if to say “Thanks for letting me out, you nice young man!” Butthead. He had skis on his roof, so he was undoubtedly headed up to Mt. Bachelor to join the rest of his tourist cronies. That’s fine. Stay up there, just don’t bother me when I’m trying to drive, you idiots.
My thoughts to anybody wishing to visit Central Oregon: Come, spend your money, and go home.
[end rant]
Top 10 Web Design Mistakes for 2002
For once, I actually agree with Jakob Nielsen. His alert-box column last week focused on the Top Ten Web-Design Mistakes of 2002.
If you’re like most people and don’t like Nielsen, play his drinking game.
Watch DVDs on your computer case!?!
This is one of the coolest case modifications I’ve ever seen. This guy modified the door of his Antec computer case to include what you’d usually see in expensive mini-vans: a mini-LCD screen hooked to a DVD player. Very nice work, and beats the heck out of a lot of the case mods I’ve seen.
Stop using Ad-Aware for Spyware removal – UPDATED
According to this article, Ad-Aware is no longer being supported or updated for new spyware. From the article:
I truly hate that it has come to this. Lavasoft’s Ad-aware used to be a fine product. Not only was it the only free solution for finding and destroying advertising spyware, it was also a good program. However, Lavasoft has abandoned Ad-aware 5.83. Support is still offered at their support forums and via email, but the program is no longer being updated to handle new spyware targets. In fact, I feel that it is necessary to recommend to everyone that they simply remove Ad-aware version 5 entirely. Using it in its current, unupdated form can be, and has been proven to be dangerous.
Ad-aware has not had a reference file update since September 24. I’ve personally submitted over a dozen new spyware/hijacker targets and lord knows how many updates to old spyware/hijackers. Other developers on my private mailing list update when new targets are submitted to them. Lavasoft has not.
So if you’re using Ad-Aware, switch to something else like the free SpyBot S&D that’s updated more frequently, according to the article (I have them both installed).
UPDATED: Apparently the guys on spywareinfo.com were full of crap. Lavasoft has plans to release version 6.0 of their software next month, according to this Lavasoft forum post.
Yet another reason to avoid Kentucky
Honestly, would you ever put a license plate like this on your car? Oregon’s plates have never been that ugly.