OK, I have horribly neglected this site, but I’ve got a new motivation to get things fixed, up, and going, and that includes (finally) getting around to fixing my other site. Unfortunately, in the process, I’ve bull-dozed my archives for this site, so I’ll have to start again from scratch.
So what have I been doing of late? I’m currently working at Sunray Vacation Rentals. I redesigned their Web site, manage their archaic computer system, and am the resident geek when it comes to about everything else. It’s a fun job, the people are cool, though the commute sucks this time of the year.
What is this site all about? It’s about me, my thoughts, my rants, raves, and otherwise. I will periodically post on this site (probably during my lunch break) things that I find interesting or things that you might find interesting. I have a random quote that loads up on top of this page that will change everytime you load the page. I also have links to various things about me, including my resume, portfolio (both which need to be updated with all the work I’ve done here), my contact information, and even a place where you can donate to my worthy cause, if you feel so inclined.
Anyway, I will be (slowly) working on getting this site up to date, and using it as a medium to keep everybody informed as to what’s going on in my (and my family’s) life.