Anybody Have Some MS Office Licenses?

As I mentioned earlier, I’m shopping around getting quotes for computers and a server. After it’s all said and done, HP is looking like the best deal/service (and the sales rep from them spoke English, which is always an added perk considering the Dell rep didn’t very well). They also have a deal going on until the end of the month that with certain configurations, you can get a free 15″ LCD. One of those configurations is without Microsoft Office, instead with MS Works (which is an ugly little suite for business use), so I need to get some licenses for MS Office Pro or Small Business Edition 2003.

Anybody know where to get them cheap? I need either of those two versions because they come with Publisher as well, which was requested by the folks there for some basic in-house desktop publishing duties. I actually have the CD for the MS Office Pro edition as well as for Publisher 2003, I just need more licenses. So if anybody has four of them to sell/get rid of, by all means e-mail me (and Publisher I probably don’t need four for, probably just two of the Pro/SBE licenses and two Office Basic licenses).


Mark Turner says:

ummm…..the latest OO.o beta is WONDERFUL!!! If you are scraped for cash, i would serioulsy consider OpenOffice.