I’ll just stick my foot in my mouth

I was just reading a story over at Bend.com about the driving conditions, plowing, etc… in Bend after our snow dump. My street hadn’t been plowed when I was reading the story (though most of Bend had), so I posted this comment to the story:

It’s nice that they’re getting most of town (read: The newer/more-expensive neighborhoods) but is there anybody who, like me, is on the older Northeast area of town who is still waiting for their road to be plowed? I’m calling a taxi to get to my doctor’s appointment today because my wife can’t drive me because she can’t get out of our neighborhood (and I can’t drive because of my back/leg that I’m having checked out today).

EVERYBODY I’ve talked to, all over town, has been plowed, but it’s 9:00 am, on the 3rd day of this mess, and I’m still snowed in.

OK, done ranting 🙂

Not even two minutes after I posted that comment, I heard a truck on the street. Assumed it was the garbage man, but it was a snowplow. Granted, my road’s still in really bad shape, and my wife still wouldn’t drive in this mess. So the cab is still scheduled to be here at 10:00.

I have to admit though, this is the first time in a long time that I’ve been able to see the top of the mountain on Mt. Bachelor’s Web Cam.


tasberry says:

Saw you on movable type’s recently published so I stopped in. Nice blog you have here. Feel free to stop by mine.

Thanks for stopping by!